Orthello's Publishing Credits

Books for Adults - Fiction & Nonfiction
 How to Write a Great Story, Seven Locks Press, 1999
 Whispers from the Dark, Zebra Books, 1978
 Satan’s Daughters, Zebra Books, 1974
 House of Secrets, Avon Books, 1972
Books for Children
 Frank Frogasaurus in the Forest, Seven Locks Press, 2000
 Does My Room Come Alive at Night?, Caedmon ,(Harper-Collins)1987
 The Man With Big Ears, Caedmon,1987
 Jake Snake’s Race, Caedmon, 1987
 The Biggest Sneeze, Caedmon, 1987
 Snyder Spider’s Surprise, Caedmon, 1986
 Hector McSnector and the Mail-Order Witch, Caedmon,1985
 Whoever Heard of a Fird?, Caedmon,1984
 Lilly, Willy and the Mail-Order Witch, Caedmon,1983
 Monica’s Hanukkah House, Preferred Press,1982
Educational Books & Publications
 How to Write a Great Story (for adults and children), Seven Locks Press, May, 2000
 Reading comprehension workbooks:
 Heidi, The Ugly Duckling
 The Velveteen Rabbit
 There’s a Dragon About, 1998
 Modern Curriculum Press: 1995, 12 stories
Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals
(Over 1,000 columns, articles and stories)
 The Kokomo Tribune, column, Aug. 2000 - present
 The Looking Glass, column, Nov. 1999 - present
 The Orange County Register, articles, 1999, 1998
 The Long Beach Press Telegram, article, 1998
 Morro Bay Sun Bulletin, weekly column, 1988-1991
 The Orange County News-Times, weekly column, 1975-1978
 Child Life
 Ellery Queen
 Alfred Hitchcock
 >Jack & Jill
 True Love and other popular market magazines
Self-Published Books
 Life After Trauma and Abuse, (The Happiness Program) 1988
 Body Designing, (a self-hypnosis weight loss program), 1990
 Learning Self-Hypnosis, 1993
 The Father Within, (spiritual) 2001
 Reveal Your Reality, (spiritual) 2003
Radio & Television Appearances
 KBRT-AM, John Stewart Show, National 3-hour guest 1993
 KSBY-TV, Health Line, 1991, 1992, 1993
 KHJ-TV, There Is a Way, 6 appearances, 1988-89
 KDOC, 2 appearances, 1988
 KYOU-TV Let’s Talk, 1987
 KPZE-AM, Ask a Winner, 1989-90, (I hosted call-in talk show and interviewed "winners" in all walks of life.)
 KPZE-AM, The Morning Show, 1988
 KPZE-AM, Health Talk, 1987
 Jim Lehrer Radio Interview, 1989, topic: children’s books
Professional Recordings of music and lyrics
 Sandy Duncan did four compositions in 1985 for Caedmon Records
 Joey Gray did fifteen compositions in 1984 for Caedmon Records
 Tammy Grimes did seventeen compositions in 1983 for Caedmon Records
 Don Henson did one composition in 1982 for Pacific Challenger Records
 Sadie the Soothsayer, 1985-89
 HBO and Cinemax, 1985-1989