
Hmmm... well, I don't know where to start, so I'll begin with the basics.  My name is Matt.  My love affair with Descent started with the shareware version that was packaged with my then-new computer back in early '96.  I beat the shareware, bought the full version, and fell in love. 

This page was started in early 1999.  I don't know what inspired me to do a Descent page, but I did.  I'm happy with the way it's turning out.

CALLSIGNS:  Well, I've had a whole bunch through the years.  Currently, on D3 my callsigns are: Vindicator, DM-Vindicator, and a few that I use when I want to go anonymous.  I can be found on PXO and occasionally Kali.


As you can see, I like doing 3D text effects.  I use Serif 3DPlus, a program that is pretty easy to use.  It's great for beginners (like me), and as you can see from the pic above, it can do some pretty cool things.

Pretty much all of the 3D text graphics you see on this page were made with this program. 

If you have coments or questions, send me an email.  Please don't send me anything about broken links, I know all about those and am working on getting those pages done.


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