Text: Robbins, Stephen P., & Judge, Timothy A. Organizational Behavior, 13th edition, by Prentice Hall Publishers.




I.  Formal Assessment & Course Grading:

Assignments (HW, Case, In-Class)   =

Research Paper/Project                      =

Tests                                                  =





90 - 100   = A

80 - < 90 = B

70 - < 80  = C

60 - < 70  = D

< 60         = F

     1) Assignments:

§  Assignments will be assigned over sessions 1 – 5 in the following formats.

·         Multiple Choice Assignment (MCA),

·         Discussion Question Assignment (DQA),

·         Case Assignment (CA),

·         Group Assignment (GA),

·         Self Assessment Library Assignment (SALA),

·         Questions for Review Assignment (QFRA),

·         In-Class Assignment (ICA), and

·         others


§   Per Department Policy, no make-ups are to be given. (will drop 2 lowest Assignments)


§  All assignments are due at the beginning of class (6:00 p.m.).  Feel free to place your assignment on the instructor’s desk.  10 points will be deducted for the first 15 minutes late and every 10 points thereafter. 


§  Late Assignment will not be accepted.  However, in the event of absence;


·         All assignments can be turned in early to the secretary in person or by postal mail.  If by postal mail, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the assignment is received on time (call the secretary to confirm). 


·         Student may send an e-copy of the solution to the instructor via email and turn in the scantron solution in the next class meeting. 


§  Important!  Click to Read or Print, Assignment Submission Instructions:


      2) Research Paper/Project (Prj):

§  Research Paper/Project topic and objective must be proposed and approved by the instructor.


§  Research Topic and objective must be relevant to or within the contextual application of Organizational Behavior.


§  Criteria, guidelines, and length of the paper will be discussed.


§  Research paper/report must comply with APA writing documentation style.  Presentation of the research is mandatory.


§  Students are required to attend an in class project presentation and participate an in project presentation evaluation (-20 pts. if failed to comply).


§  Important!  Click to Read or Print, Research Paper/Project Submission and Presentation Instructions


     3) Test (T):

§  4 Tests will be administered over sessions 2 – 5. 


§   Per Department Policy, no make-ups are to be given. (Will drop 1 lowest test)


§  During the test, sharing material resources are not allowed.  (Back-up your pencils, eraser, and etc.)


§  Test Format: Part I: Multiple Choice (MCA type).  Part II: Essay (DQA type).


§  Important! Click to Read or Print, Test Taking Procedures.







Chapter 1       Chapter 3        Chapter 9      Chapter 16      


Chapter 5      













·   Lecture Chapter 1

·   Assignment Required to Turn In                         

A1 (Assignment #1) = 100 pts. A1 consists of these components:

1)      Notify instructor your email address by email = 5 pts. Due 3/27/09 via email

2)      Project Proposal = 10 pts. (Includes Group Members, Project Title, Project Research Objective, Method Use, and Project Expected Research Finding) Due 3/30/09 via email

3)      MCA1 = 80 pts. Read Chapters 1&2. Answer MCA1 (Click to download) Due 4/3/09

4)      Statement of Receipt by Student = 5 pts. (download) Due 4/3/09







·   Assignment Not Required to Turn In

DQA1, Discussion Question Assignment #1 (Click to download



·   Other & Question?

1)      Group Members Formation & Assignment







·   Test 1: Essay Only (from DQA #1)

·   Turn in A#1

·   Lecture Chapter 3



·   Assignment Required to Turn In


A2 = 100 pts.  A2 consists of these components.  Due 4/24/09 in class


1)      MCA2 = 80 pts. (Chap. 3 & 4, click to download

2)      GA#1, Group Assignment #1 = 20 pts.

§ Get your group together to analyze Case Incident 2 on page 69 text.


§ Answer all questions in the case.  The answers must be typed.


§ Staple your answers with a cover page.  Your cover page should include all the details (see instruction for submission) plus your group member names.


§ Each group needs to submit only one copy.


SAL-A#1 = 20 pts.  SAL_A#1 consists of these two sets of SAL:          

1)      SAL on page 4, and

2)      SAL on page 74, text.


§ The SAL survey results must be emailed to the instructor by 4/23/09.  Only the survey results.  Do not email the answer to the SAL questions.


§ Students must email the SAL survey results to the instructor from his/her email address that he/she has designated it for use in this course.  Forwarded SAL survey results from another email address or by other student’s email address will not be accepted.


§ The SAL_A#1 Report is due on 4/24/09 in class.  It should be compiled as follows:


a.       The SAL_A#1 Report should include:

1.      A hard-copy of the SAL survey result (even though an e-copy of the same has been sent to the instructor), and

2.      The answers to the each set of SAL assignment questions.  The answers must be typed.


b.      Organize and present the SAL_A#1 Report in the following sequence:


1.      A Cover Page

2.      Page 4 SAL Survey Result and the Answers to the Questions.

3.      Page 74 SAL Survey Result and the Answers to the Questions.


c.       Staple the entire SAL-A#1 Report securely.  Submit in class on 4/24/09 in class








·   Assignment Not Required to Turn In

DQA2, Discussion Question Assignment #2 (Click to download



·   Other & Question?



·   Test 2: MCA1 and DQA #2

·   Turn in A2

·   Turn in SAL-A#1


Assignment Required to Turn In


I.   A3 = 100 pts.  A3 consists of these components.  Due 5/8/09 in class

1)      MCA3 = 80 pts. (Chap. 9 & 10, click to download

2)      SAL-A #2 on page 59 and page 104 = 20 pts.

§ The SAL survey results must be emailed to the instructor by 5/1/09.  Email the survey results only, do not email the answers to the SAL questions.

A.    The SAL Report (Due 5/8/09) should include:

1.      A hard-copy of the SAL survey result with question (even though an e-copy of the same has been sent to the instructor), and

2.      The answers to the each set of SAL assignment questions.  The answers must be typed.


B.     Organize and present the SAL Report in the following sequence:

1.  Staple all SAL assignments securely together with one cover page.  Submit the report in class on 5/8/09 .

2.   Your report should include all Survey Result with question and the Answers to the Questions of each SAL assignment.



II.   GA2 = 20 pts.  GA1 is to analyze Case Incident.  Due 5/8/09 in class (All Group Assignments in this course need to be completed by the same members in the Class Research Project.)

A. Case Incident

1.  Case Incident 1 on page 315

2.  Case Incident 2 on page 315


B. Organize and Present your Case Incident Report as follows:

1. Staple both case questions & answers together with a cover page. 

2. Cover page needs to include all members’ name.

3. Each group needs to submit one Case Report.








·   Assignment Not Required to Turn In

DQA3, Discussion Question Assignment #3 (Click to download




·   Test 3: MCA2 and DQA #3

·   Turn in A3

·   Turn in GA2



·   Assignment Required to Turn In


I.  A4 = 100 pts.  A4 consists of these components.  Due 5/29/09 in class

1)  MCA4 = 80 pts. (Chap. 16 & 17, click to download

2)  SAL-A#3 on page 284 and page 322 = 20 pts. 

·         The submission requirements for SAL-A#3’s report is the same as that of SAL-A#2.

·         The SAL-A#3 e-survey result is due on 5/22/09 to the instructor via email.

·         The SAL-A#3’s report is due on 5/29/09 in class.


II. QFRA#1, Questions for Review Assignment = 40 pts.  Due 5/29/09 in class

1)      Submission format for QFRA#1 = Typed both the Questions & Answers. Staple QFRA#1 with a cover page.

2)      Answer the following Questions in your text.

·         Page 36, QFR #s 3, 6, 8

·         Page 67, QFR #s 3, 5

·         Page 94, QFR #s 2, 4, 7

·         Page 165, QFR #s 2, 6

·         Page 313, QFR #s 4, 9

·         Page 342, QFR #s 2, 4, 6

·         Page 544, QFR #s 5, 7

·         Page 576, QFR #s 2, 9












·   Assignment Not Required to Turn In

DQA4, Discussion Question Assignment #4 (Click to download






·   Test 4: MCA3 and DQA #4

·   Turn in A4

·   Turn in QFRA#1



I.  A5 = 100 pts. 

·         A5  consists of MCA5  (Chap. 5 & 10)

·         Self study Chapters 5 and 10

·         Answer questions from MCA5( Click to download




·    Turn in A5

·    Project Paper due

·    Project Presentation

·    Project Presentation (20 minutes Max.)





A. Instructor’s Virtual Office Hours

Instructor can only be contacted via email: (emails will be read on Every Monday and Thursday at 10 a.m.).


B. Secretary

Voice and email messages can be left with the MSM Secretary.  In the event of emergency, you may have the secretary to re direct your voice or email messages to the instructor.