[TCP fic] Unstable

Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* November 23
*Re* Eliza

Ellie--Our girl was rather upset today. Evidently she was picking up thoughts from one of the janitors on the third floor that were, shall we say, less than pure. She threw a screaming fit for about ten minutes before the orderlies managed to subdue her. Unfortunately, she got into the mind of one of them and convinced him he was a squirrel. It took about three hours to get him back to normal. I think it may be time to try a new medication. The current one clearly isn't suppressing her abilities.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* November 23
*Re* Eliza

Pat--I still say that we should be trying to teach her to control her abilities, rather than pumping her full of drugs. If she could just develop some kind of telepathic shields she wouldn't need to be institutionalized. It's the constant bombardment of thoughts that's causing her mental instability. Take that away and she could be a fully functioning member of society.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* December 17
*Re* Field Trip

Good news for a change. The new medication seems to be working. She was actually lucid enough today to ask to go outside. We took her out briefly - under heavy guard - to the garden, and she had a blast. She admired the flowers, cooed at the squirrels, and smiled a lot. We had to take her back inside when she started trying to have a conversation with a tulip, but I'm very encouraged. This has easily been the longest period of lucidity in recent months.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* December 18
*Re* Field Trip

That's great!! I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of days, getting my Christmas shopping done, so I'd like to visit Eliza before I go. Hopefully I'll be able to explain just why I won't be here for her morning checkup.

And admittedly, I'm going to miss her a bit.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* December 18
*Re* Field Trip

I don't see any problem with that. And it might be beneficial for you to be the one to explain why you'll be away. If someone else does it, she may get a little worked up. But she doesn't seem to want to hurt you.

We should probably have you down here more often.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* December 18
*Re* Field Trip

I'd like that.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* December 24
*Re* Christmas Eve

She's so excited about tomorrow! It's been a while since she enjoyed a holiday, and she really deserves this, you know? She's been working so hard lately. You have her present safely hidden, right?



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* December 24
*Re* Christmas Eve

I'm glad to hear it. And yes, I've got her present safely tucked away. Even with her abilities at full power she wouldn't be able to find it.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* January 17
*Re* Eliza

Dammitall!! Four months progress ruined by a single, inept admin! Golden decided to take a little tour of "the loonies" today, and he managed to get her so worked up that she attacked him with a knife from her lunch. He ended up needing seventeen stitches, and one orderly ended up with a broken arm. So now she's back in lockdown. If he'd just kept his thick, hollow skull out of this, she'd be fine.

And now I have to go try and calm her down.

He's such an asshole.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* January 18
*Re* Eliza

You know, you might want to tone your memos down a little bit in the future. Other people could read this, you know.

That said, I agree with you 100%. Administrators should stick to their own jobs, and keep out of ours. Let me know how she is.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* February 24
*Re* Eliza

I still can't believe it. I can't believe she did it. Two days later, and I'm still numb. I'd thought she'd been getting better. She didn't show any indications of suicidal intent. And just how in the hell did she get hold of that glass? I distinctly remember ordering plastic cups *only* for her.



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*To* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*Date* February 25
*Re* Eliza

Believe me, I know how you feel. I know how much she meant to you. I strongly recommend a vacation. Condider it medical leave. As for the glass, I guess the staff thought the same thing you did, that she was getting better, not worse. But believe me, when I find out who's responsible for that, he or she will be finding themselves in the unemployment office faster than you can say "murder charge."



Mercy Hospital
Pyschiatric Ward
Interdepartmental Memo

*From* Elaine Wright, M.D.
*To* Patrick Oltion, M.D.
*Date* February 25
*Re* Vacation

I know, I should. But it would seem so wrong to be enoying myself after what happened. Not this soon. But I am going to take a few weeks off to mourn her properly. Did you know her family refused to claim the body? Said they didn't want that "mutant filth" dirtying up their family plot. I've never been so tempted to ignore my oath. But I must Do No Harm, so I just sent them out of my office. Perhaps with more force than necessary.

Since no one else would claim her, I took responsibility for her and had her cremated. I'm going to bury her ashes in the garden. I think she'd have liked that.

See you when I get back.



Disclaimer: The TCP concept was created by Kielle and Phil Foster, and I'm sure we all thank them for it. Ki, if you want to archive this on the TCP site, feel free.

    Source: geocities.com/obsidian_butterfly179