Reality Ever After

By: Amanda Marque


Wufei's Office

Wufei looked at the test scores with a smile…much better. This batch had potential…

A commotion in the hallway caught Wufei's attention frowning he walked to the door. He could hear Professor Velvet trying to calm someone down…

"I'll take you to Professor Wufei! It'll be alright!"

At the mention of his name Wufei swung the door open and stepped out into the hallway. There with Professor Velvet was a tear streaked pissed off Duo. His hair was unbound and wind whipped.

" Duo!" He called.

Both Duo and Velvet looked up…both with relief clearly written across their faces, but for very different reasons.

Duo immediately broke away from Velvet's side and ran at Wufei grabbing him in a tight hug he buried his face against the Professor's shoulder.

Wufei frowned stroking Duo's back. "Duo what's wrong?" He whispered in his ear placing a light kiss on the top of his head.

Velvet stood a little bit away from them, a blond eyebrow arched. " Good Wufei. Cheer him up…Noone that beautiful should cry for anything." He said studying Duo a moment longer and then turning around to leave.

Wufei watched him go slightly distracted and then guided the mumbling Duo into his office. Kicking the door closed Wufei locked it making certain they wouldn't be disturbed before guiding Duo to the couch on the far wall. Setting him down in it Wufei kneeled in front of him pushing his hair out of his face.

" Duo? Duo what's wrong?" He asked rubbing the hands he held.

Duo looked at him finally with puffy eyes. " He didn't even tell me…He could have at least told me…He didn't…I don't understand why he…"

Wufei frowned. He guessed Duo meant Heero by he but what did the bastard do now? " What happened Duo."

Duo's eyes darkened. " He married her." He said finally. " He left me for her! He didn't tell me…and he married her! "

Wufei shook his head…Duo couldn't mean Heero…Heero would have at least told Quatre who would have warned him. " Who?"

" Heero married Relena! I saw it on the news today…. He married her! I couldn't eve-"

Wufei stopped his words with a kiss. " No. Duo don't think that…the fact that Heero was unhappy with you has nothing to do with you…" He said evenly holding his eyes.

" I'm sorry Wufei I-"

" It's alright Duo that's what lover's do dump their problems on each other." He smiled drawing Duo down against his chest. " I know how much you loved him and for how long…I don't expect that love to go away over night…and finding out that someone you loved married someone else without bothering to tell you is enough to upset anyone." He continued rubbing soothing circles on Duo's back. " Heero is the one who is wrong not you." He whispered. " He never deserved you anyway." Pulling Duo closer Wufei continued to whisper and rub until he felt Duo beginning to calm down.

Duo wrapped his arms around Wufei and let his voice soothe him. " Wufei…"

" It's alright Duo…Everything is going to be fine…I've got you and I have no intention of letting you go."

Duo lifted his head from Wufei's chest slightly teary violet-blue eyes looked in dark brown. " Promise? Or if you do…will you promise to tell me who you're marrying?"

" On my honor." He whispered. " Besides since the person I'm going marry if it's anyone it's going to be you. I'd have to tell you then wouldn't I?" He sighed.

Duo smirked and put his head back down. " Wufei?"

" Hm?"

" Does your door have a lock?"

" Yes why?"

A slightly mischievous smile played across Duo's lips as he pressed firmer against Wufei's chest.

" Oh…Duo you do realize we're in my office? And the walls are really thin?"

" Well I guess we'll have to be extra quiet then…" He murmured.

Wufei stiffened. " Oh…."


Lecture Hall

Wufei sat at his desk, trying valiantly to keep his mind on his work. But the memories of what happened in his office came back to haunt him and he alternated between frowning about the news he'd received about Heero and forcing himself not to blush as the way he had comforted Duo came to mind.

" We will adjourn early today." He finally said standing up from his desk. " Read chapter 15-27 tonight. Good day." He said simply going back to his office. Ignoring the murmurs that passed through his class…but being college students they knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and immediately bolted.

Wufei sighed looking into his office, Duo lay curled up on the couch a satisfied expression on tear streaked face. Smiling Wufei knelt down beside him leaning close he brushed his lips across Duo's.

Violet eyes opened immediately blinking at the sudden onslaught of light.

" Well it's nice to see you're awake." He smirked leaning down to steal another kiss. " Let's go home hm?" He said kissing him again.

Duo nodded and pushed himself to a sitting position. Wufei stood up slowly dusting his pants.

" Mmm Wu we've got to try it on your office floor more often." Duo winked trying to muster up a cheerful expression and failing.

Wufei didn't agree.

" Let's save it for home Duo." He sighed.

Pouting Duo wrapped the tweed coat tighter around himself.

Looking at him Wufei smiled and leaned over pressing a light kiss to his forehead. " Come on and get dressed. We can go home now."

Duo grinned and stood up slowly letting the jacket slide off his bare body reaching his arms over his head he stretched his long hair falling over his shoulders to spill down his back in long glistening waves…

" Perfection." A breathy voice called from the now open doorway…the now open doorway that neither of them had noticed.

With a yelp Duo picked up the jacket again.

" Velvet!"

Breaking away from the vision Professor Velvet turned to Wufei. " He's beautiful Wufei…."

" I'm aware of that. What did you want Velvet?" Wufei frowned moving to stand in front of Duo effectively blocking Velvet's view of him.

" I had come by to ask you to pose for my class again…"

" No."

" Very well then…how about you my vision?" He asked to the dangerously flushing Duo.

" No." Wufei answered again.

Velvet frowned. " Come now Wufei don't be selfish hiding such beauty from the world is surely an injustice to us all!" Velvet said looking over what he could see of Duo.

" No."

Sighing Velvet cast him a pitiful glance. " You are truly a selfish selfish man Wufei! "

Wufei arched a brow. " If you had this would you want to share?"

Velvet seemed to think for a moment. " No I wouldn't…but who of us can truly claim to hold the heart of a child of Venus?" He said walking backwards still eyeing Duo.

" I can." Wufei said with a smirk reaching back to pat Duo on the thigh. " Now leave!"

With a sigh Velvet clutched his heart and bowed before stepping out of the room.

Wufei rushed over and locked the door behind him.

" He's weird," Duo frowned still clutching the jacket.

Wufei had to nod his agreement, " Just get dressed angel."


Wufei's apartment

Wufei determinedly ignored his neighbors' catcalls and whistles, while Duo winked and blew kisses to his adoring public. Snorting Wufei unlocked the door of his apartment dragging a bowing Duo in behind him. With a firm glare at his smug neighbors he slammed the door.

" Aw Wu! They love us! What say you we give em a real show tonight eh?" Duo winked.

Wufei studied his face intently for a moment Duo was building his old cheer around him like a protective wall again. Pulling the other boy close Wufei pressed a kiss to his lips and then pulled back preparing to say something when the phone rang.

Frowning he moved to answer it and Duo skittered off to hide in the kitchen.

Flicking a button he frowned at Trowa's frazzled image on the little screen…well frazzled for Trowa anyway. Wufei guessed the screaming and slamming objects in the background where the cause.

" Hello Wufei." Trowa said flatly.

" Hi Trowa what's up?"

" 15 of the children have the flu, 3 more have chicken pox ,4 more have the stomach flu and, 1 has strep the nannies quit, Quatre's men don't have the first clue about children, we haven't slept in 3 days. Then we just found out that Heero went off and married Relena with no warning, or indication to anyone. Quatre isn't taking the news too well."

" Damn it Rashid where is my rifle?! I know you hid it!" (1)

Wufei winced. " Sounds like you're having a rough week…Duo and I can be there in a few days to help if you like."

" No it's alright. But could you have Duo come to the phone and tell Quatre he's alright?"

" I can't believe the nerve of that-that-that-Ohhhh! I can't think of anything to call him!"

Wufei winced as the blond stormed pass the view screen again.

" Are you sure Quatre is alright?"


" Trowa! What'd you do with my pistol? Where are my bullet?!"

"Please get Duo…Hurry. "

" Duo! Quatre needs to talk to you!"

Duo came from the kitchen then smiling and humming to himself.

Wufei looked at him skeptically…he knew what Duo was doing but he guessed for Trowa's sake he'd let him do it a bit longer.

" What's up?" He asked leaning on Wufei's chair. " Hi Trowa!"

" Hello Duo."

" Where is it?! Where is it?!"

" Duo blinked, " What's with Quatre?"

" He's going to kill Heero. Would you mind talking to him please? Just let him know you're alright."

Duo blinked as he watched Quatre run by again in the background. The sound of children coughing and whining could be heard clearly.

Frowning Trowa turned to look behind him, " Quatre. Duo wants to talk to you." He said flatly walking away to check on the kids.

Quatre's smiling face came on the screen a second later…clutching an old fashioned double barrel shotgun. " Hello Duo how are you?"

Smiling wider Duo waved. " Oh I'm great just great! Say did Wufei tell ya we're going out now?" He said cheerfully gripping Wufei's shoulder.

Quatre blinked, " Why no he didn’t. Congratulation!" He said chipper as ever…still clutching the rifle.

Wufei nodded taking Duo's hand.

" Ohh you two look so cute !" He bounced. Ignoring a frazzled Rashid chasing a naked giggling child around in the background. "I'm very happy for you!" He said.

Duo nodded. " So what's with the gun?"

Quatre frowned. " Oh nothing…" He said innocently…too innocently.

Smirking Duo arched a brow, " Really Quatre I'm fine now! What Heero decides to do with his life is his business I have my own happiness." He said looking pointedly at Wufei. " I wish him and his fairytale bride the best." He smirked. " And may they live happily ever after in their castle in the sky."

Quatre studied him for a moment…"Du-"

" Oi! I'm fine Quatre…besides you'd better be worrying about that little hellion running around with the matches!"

Quatre blinked and turned around just in time to see one of his children running past carrying a big box of matches and giggling like crazy. " Silver no! Give Papa the firesticks!" he yelled forgetting about the phone as he took off after his daughter.

Wufei and Duo exchanged a look and then shut off the connection. " We are not getting children." Wufei said.

Duo had to nod his agreement.


The Riverfront

Heero closed his eyes, " I didn't realize it'd be that hard for you Duo…"

Duo snorted, " I lived and breathed for you, and only you ,for years Heero how could you possibly not realize that?" He snapped.

Heero looked away, " For what it's worth I’m sorry."

Duo shook his head, " It's not worth much." He said narrowing his eyes.

" I know," Heero replied, " Please finish." Heero had something of his own to confess but it could wait for a while….(2)

1) If you've ever been in a situation like this then you know this is not OOC…..
2) What is Heero's confession you ask? Muhahahahahaha! Tune in next time for another installment of Reality ever after

I swear this thing is turning into a season of As the world turns…



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