Now I am not making excuses for this fic. Not at all. I am merely explaining a little in case anyone wonders where this came from because in my later fics I kept the 1x2 and 3x4 pairings almost faithfully. My friend and I were cruising the net and the first fics we ever read all involved Quatre and Trowa with maybe a hint of Duo and Heero. I thought Quatre wasn't getting what he deserved, so upon the request of my friend, I decided to pair up someone else with the blonde. That made me realize that Trowa and Duo weren't the best of friends and I started to think. What would Trowa do if he found out? Is there any way to pair these two up? Well this is what I managed. It is a 2x3, a comedy, might have a bit of lime-juice at most it isn't graphic let alone descriptive. It was my third fanfic. Enjoy. ^_^
Drunken Splendor
The bar was located in an alleyway, and reputation had it that they
never carded. //Perfect//, Duo thought, //Quatre's great, but I need
some booze.// He'd been staying with Quatre for two weeks, and the
blonde pilot refused to let him drink at his place. When Duo entered
and took a stool at the bar, he had to calm himself. He really
needed to get drunk, but he didn't want to be drunk in half an hour
like usual, he wanted to drink all night. Unable to stop himself,
however, he ordered four shots of Jack Daniels and downed them one
after the other. With a terrific buzz, he began to drink the cheap
beer the bar served.
He'd been there for about an hour when he noticed the tall guy sitting at one of hte tables was shooting glances his way. Too drunk to be subtle, Duo turned and looked directly at him. //Well, what do you know. Didn't think I'd see him here.// Ordering another beer, Duo left his stool and sat at the table.
"How'ya doin Trowa?"
The tall pilot's eyes were bloodshot, and he knew he was too drunk to put up with *this* motor-mouth. "Go away."
"What a greeting," Duo said sarcastically, "I don't understand why Quatre puts up with you."
Trowa stiffened and slowly looked at Duo.
"And to think, he said you never drank. Boy," Duo took a long swallow of his beer and smiled, "I can't wait to go home and tell him."
"Home?" Trowa's voice was deathly calm, "with Quatre? He is too nice for his own good, taking in strays off the street."
"No, no Trowa," Duo said tauntingly, "you got the wrong idea. Quatre and me are *good* friends, in fact, you might say we really get *in*to each other."
Refusing to be provoked, Trowa looked Duo up and down before meeting his eyes, "Quatre has better taste than that."
"You know," Duo stood up abruptly, "you're right!" He leaned toward Trowa's ear, "Quatre *does* taste pretty good."
Trowa's eyes widened and he stood abruptly, glaring down at Duo. "Let's go outside." Without watching to see if Duo was following, Trowa walked slowly out. Delighted that he'd gotten a rise out of the tall pilot, Duo followed quickly.
Since neither wanted to get involved in a fight on the street, they went to the warehouse where Trowa was staying. "Where's Heero, Trowa?" Duo smiled as he taunted, "Not man enough to make him stay? I know you were with him, but I guess he feels the same as Quatre."
"Shut up." Trowa lunged at Duo and hit him in the stomach. Too drunk to feel much pain, Duo swung his foot out and tried to trip Trowa. With a graceful jump, Trowa moved back. "Since I can't kill you, I'll just have to rough you up a bit."
"Bring it on!" Duo crouched and waited. Trowa advanced slowly, but they both leapt at each other at the same time. Duo hit Trowa in the stomach, but Trowa found resistance as Duo caught his left hand. Pulling back to hit him with his left, Trowa lost his balance. //Shouldn't have had that last shot of vodka//, Trowa thought as they both went down.
Using his shoulder, Trowa turned so that Duo landed on his back. Bending his legs, Duo kicked Trowa off of him and made it to his knees. The room was spinning. Recovering, Trowa ducked his head and rammed into Duo's middle sending him back and into the drilling machine along the wall. Duo hit his head on the edge and cried out.
Trowa froze. Duo was curled up on the floor, motionless. Slowly, Trowa advanced and knelt beside him. With a groan, Duo reached up and touched the back of his head. His hand came away bloody.
"Thanks alot, Trowa," he muttered, holding his head, "Quatre just washed my hair yesterday."
"What!!" Trowa jerked back and got ready to attack.
"Whoah, Trowa! Just kidding." Duo smiled weakly. "You sure get angry easily. Or maybe it's just with me. I-" Duo groaned, "God! My head hurts! Did you have to push me so hard!?"
Trowa sighed, "Come on," putting Duo's arm over his shoulder, he helped him stand. Unfortunately, Trowa wasn't exactly steady on his feet so it took quite a while for the two to make it up the stairs and to the bedroom. By the time they were standing beside the bed, Trowa had forgotten why he brought Duo here. Luckily, Duo hadn't as, with a groan, he fell on the bed, getting blood on the blanket.
"Get up for a minute," Trowa muttered as he helped Duo sit up. //How much have I had?// Trowa wondered as he pulled off Duo's bloody shirt. //It's so hot in here I can barely breath.// Breathing heavily, Trowa went into the bathroom and grabbed two towels. One he soaked in cold water. By the time he got back to Duo, the long haired pilot had fallen backward and was again sprawled across the bed.
Muttering to himself, Trowa pulled Duo back up and put the dry towel over the pillow. Unable to bear the heat any longer, Trowa let Duo hold himself up and, turning to the dresser, pulled off his turtleneck. He didn't realize he wasn't as close to the dresser as he'd though, so the shirt fell to the floor a good foot from the dresser. When he turned back, Duo seemed to have gotten some control over himself. He was still sitting up.
"You're kinda pretty without a shirt, Trowa," Duo said in a drunken voice with a grin on his face.
"Shut up." Trowa said evenly as he pushed Duo's forehead against his shoulder and begain to undo his braid. //Now *that* is a lot of hair//, Trowa thought as he used the damp towel to wipe away the blood.
"Oww!" Duo cried, "Do you have to rub so hard!?"
//What a baby.// Trowa continued to wipe at the blood and tugging at a clump of matted hair. When he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, at first he had no idea what was going on. Pulling back, he realized that Duo had bitten him. "You bit me!"
"No pulling the hair, Trowa," Duo muttered, and his head slid down Trowa's chest. Trowa was sure he'd passed out until Duo's mouth closed over his left nipple. Startled, Trowa gave Duo's hair a sharp tug, but Duo's teeth encircled him and he held on.
"Yow!!" Towa cried, "let go!"
"You first," Duo said through his teeth.
Trowa let go of the hair, but Duo began to flick the nipple with the tip of his tongue. Trowa put his hands on Duo's head and was about to push him away when he stopped. //What the hell//, he thought and tilted his head back while his fingers moved slowly through Duo's hair. Edging onto the bed, Trowa let out a shuddering breath as Duo moved to his right nipple.
"I was a bottle-fed baby," Duo muttered as he attacked his target, "I'm still making up for that," and he began to suck on Trowa.
"Trowa!? Duo!?"
Trowa's eyes snapped open and he looked up to see Heero standing in the open doorway. Trowa stood quickly and stepped away from the bed.
With a smile, Duo said, "Get lost, Heero."
Looking from Trowa, who stood near the door back to Duo who was still on the bed, Heero's eyes widened. "What's going on?"
"Go away, Heero," Duo said in an exasperated voice.
"Fuck you, Duo," Heero said, glairing at him, "I--"
"I," Trowa interrupted as he grabbed the door, "was planning to," and he quickly shut the door in Heero's face.