Welcome to the PacoPage!

It looks like you have found my page! Congratulations. On this page, you will find many things, mostly stuff about me, information and links to things I find interesting, and graphics which pertain to my life. Why? Because it's my page (obviously). So sit back, relax, have a nice cold italian soda, maybe eat a pretzel or two, and enjoy life! Hey, that's what it's there for.

You may notice a lack of information. That's because I just started. Wait a bit, and come back. Right now, I've got links to a few different sites, and a section on unicycling, but that's it. I will get more on here, though. Just enjoy surfing for now.

Contents of this page:

Read this first-

Now, really for the content:

My life:
(Home, Education, Religion, Travels, Family)
My Passions:
(Soccer, Clowning, Capoeira)
My Other Interests:
(Postcards, Tin Whistle, Gallery Glass, Humanities)

And don't forget to check out my PacoBeta Page, when I was just trying out HTML

Not sure what you want to look at? Check out my Visual Index for some inspiration.
Or if you're more of a technical type, look at my Site Map.

Still with me? I also have some links and information on computer-related stuff.

Paco's View on Web Page Design:

You may notice that this web page is pretty simple. There isn't anything really flashy. No really complex code involved in this site. No, nothing really fancy at all. There are three good reasons for this. First off, I am not trying to sell anything here. I don't need anything fancy. This isn't what I was going for. I wanted to create an attractive site, with lots of useful information, but without all the whistles and bells. They don't actually accomplish anything. A simple site works just as well as a complicated one, as long as it's put together well.
In fact, a simple site often works better than a complicated one for many net users. This is my point two. I am personally using a 56K modem. I know others who are using devices even slower. Not everyone is blessed with a T1 connection or Cable Modem or DSL. Sure, those big sites look great, but do you know how long it takes to load them up on a minimum net access, like I have? I want this site to be available to any net user, regardless of their connection speed. I personally am a pretty simple net user, and I want this site to be simple, like me.
This brings me to my third reason. I don't know how to do much. So I can't add anything else. I'm sure once I get some more internet savvy, I'll make this much more complicated and flashy and slow to the average user. Yes, I have no principles. So what are you gonna do, shoot me?

Copyright Information
This page is under no copyright law, or anything like that. It does, however, reflect many hours of work on my part, so I ask that if you do take something from this page, don't tell people that you did it yourself (unless it will help you pick up girls/guys. Then say anything you want). Give credit where credit is due. Plus, if you want to link to this page, or if you do use an image/information from this page, I'd ask that you e-mail me and tell me about it. Don't worry about waiting for permission. Just take it and tell me about it before or after. If you do happen to use something from this page and don't tell me about it, I'll be forced to do nothing, because I won't know about it! Hey, what I don't know can't hurt me, right?

Want to congratulate me on the best site you've ever seen? If so, you need help. Have something else to say? Then e-mail me at:
I'd be glad to hear from you!

*One more important note:*
As I am still in the construction stage (and probably will be for quite a while), many, if not most, of these links are dead links, as I haven't got all the information I'd like. So what I have done is put an asterix (*) next to all the dead links. As I get more information, I will eliminate these asterixes and you will have more to read. Sound like fun? I thought so.