Al Nigga Desert, SAUDI ARABIA

Closest City -
Riyadh [approx. 50km's]

Photos and information courtesy of our outlandish foreign correspondent and coolest teamrider... Rohan Leo!!

Rohan is from South Africa and currently lives and works in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He took up sandboarding in the sweltering desert dunes a couple of years ago to carve up mountainous walls of sand for challenge, adventure and fun

These photos really speak for themselves. As you can see this place is a sandboarders dream... The dunes are approximately 100+m in height (using GPS to determine size) and very expansive. You need a 4WD to drive through the desert and a Quad Bike to get to the top (if you're lazy)

The rides are fast and furious, and sometimes
very unforgiving. When asked to describe the riding experience,  F@@@RRR%%%!!!! is a well used term for these hardened sandboarding enthusiasts.

To beat the desert heat you must be up early in the morning, like 4am. Being a dry and extremely HOT arid land, the temperatures here soar to 60 degrees during the day...  which is not very kind to anyone, especially not for sandboarders!! So, packing large quantities of re-hydrating fluids would be rather appropriate if you ever to decide to venture out into these vast deserts of Saudi Arabia...!
[click  images to enlarge]
Photos and Information Copyright2001 OceanCultureSandboards