This page is detacated to the many fond memories of our good friend and bandmate "Perk", Timothy Percoski 1965-2000.



Who are these two guys??

Here's the story

It all started back in 1968 when Tom and I met for the first time in Kindergarden. Near the end of middle school, Tom had picked up the guitar and was getting pretty good. I thought that it was the coolest thing ever, and since I loved music,(I also played a mean air guitar), I figured I'd give the guitar a try as well. I started trying to learn to play but, lost intrest with it fairly quickly, spending most of my free time Bass fishing at the Windsorville pond with my best buddy Jim Sander. Enter the High School years. In my sophomore year of High School, I picked up the guitar once again, needing an outlet for all of my teenaged angst. Tom and I got together a few times and jammed, but he was so much better than I was at that time, that I could do little more then watch him play and maybe pick up a trick or two. I spent most of my time jamming with my friends Dean Zitka (vocals), Timmy Jamerson (drums), and Tim Percoski (bass), (we did a killer version of Black Sabbath's War Pigs). After High School had ended, during the summer of 1983, Tom left for college and while on spring break, headed out for the Cape where he became one half of the "Bill and Tom Show" (be sure visit Tom's web site in the scroll down menue at the bottom of the page for all the sorted details on the Bill and Tom Show!!!). I was still jamming with my friends for a handfull of years after that, as the line up changed over and over. Exit Timmy Jamerson, enter John Kosciw on drums, exit Tim Percoski, enter Nelson Pacard on bass, enter Ken Smith on 2nd. guitar. Then, exit John Kosciw enter Tim Sullivan on drums, exit Kenny Smith, enter Buddy Kresge on guitar, exit Tim Sullivan, reenter John Kosciw on drums, exit John Kosciw, enter Jeff Larson on drums,...... yadda, yadda, yadda.....(I think we went through more drummers than Spinal Tap!!!) and finally, exit Ken Boudreau,(um, that would be me). I had quit playing for a number of years by the time I met up with Tom again in 1990, he had gotten married, quit the Bill and Tom Show and moved back to Connecticut. He suggested we hook up and try the acoustic duo thingy, something I had never tried before but, I was more than willing to give it a shot. I was getting the itch to start playing again anyway and now I just had to get myself an electric acoustic guitar. All I had at the time was a Gibson Les Paul which I would trade in on a Washburn SBF-24 solid body acoustic years later, something that I'm still kicking myself in the ass for doing. Anyway, at that time I picked up a used Takamine that was in the Bargin News and so, with a firm slap on the ass, TKO was born in 1991!!! Tom had this interesting idea about running each of our acoustics through an a/b box into two separate channels of the mixing board which would give us each a rhythm channel and a louder lead channel, complete with overdrive/distortion. This gave us the ability to do acoustic rock songs like the Eagles' Hotel Califorina and the Allmen Bros. Melissa, complete with their screaming solos, something which seems to make us extremely unique in the relm of acoustic duos, (I guess we were just rockers at heart, even though we were playing acoustic guitars) and so we've been running with that idea ever since..... And so this is where it all began.......Visit the Gig Database page for a complete listing of our shows, some great stories, along with a few amusing misshaps that occured over the years!!!

TKO a.k.a.(Tom & Ken On-stage) is Thomas Neville and Kenneth Boudreau performing acoustic pop/rock hits from the '50's classics, to present day chart busters and specializing in '60's & '70's one hit wonders.(ya just gotta love those one hit wonders). We also take great pride in performing songs that you would never hear other duos even try to attempt!

Play the "One Hit Wonder" game and win free shots!

When we play a O.H.W, you guess correctly who sang it and you win one on us! It's loads of fun, and it's just that easy!


TKO is a high energy acoustic duo that rocks, more so then your average acoustic duo! Our unique setup allows us the ability to pull off some incredible songs including their screaming note for note solos.( People have commented, "you guys sound more like a full band than a duo! and you don't even miss the bass and drums!") Because of our extensive song library we have the ability to tailor our sets, pull back the reigns and play softer acoustic hits which is more suited for those quieter venues or, the Dinner crowd.


Within TKO's bag of tricks is an alter ego, "TKO'Rielly!"

TKO'Rielly has the ability to perform an entire night of Irish music for the day in March when the whole world becomes Irish and drinks far too many green beers."it's a beautiful thing!"


Take two guys, two guitars, a bucket load of stomp boxes, add some beer, a couple shots of whatever or, in Ken's case (at least these days), some Diet Coke. Combine that with a fun loving thirsty crowd, and you've got one hell of a good time!


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