Works on Modern Odinism: A Bibliography |
Aswynn, Freya. Northern Mysteries and Magick: Runes, Gods, and Feminine Powers. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2002.
The Book of Rites. London: Odinist Fellowship, 2001. Camp, L. E. A Handbook of Armanen Runes. Sandusky, Ohio: Europa Germanic Traditions Ltd, 2001. Guide to the Runes. Sandusky, Ohio: Odinic Rite-Vinland, 1992. Gundarsson, Kveldulf, ed. Our Troth. Tempe, Arizona: Ring of Troth, 1993. - - -. Teutonic Religion: Folk Beliefs and Practices of the Northern Tradition. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn, 1992. - - -. Teutonic Magic: The Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic Peoples. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn, 1990. Harbard, Sigi. The New Odinism. Woodland Hills, California: Asgard Enterprises, 1982. Interview With a Gothi: Heimgest, DCG-OR, Speaks. Reims Cedex, France: Institute of Research on Northern Mythology and Identity, 1996. McNallen, Stephen A. Rituals of Asatru. 3 vols. Payson, Arizona: World Tree Publications, 1992. - - -. Thunder from the North: The Way of the Teutonic Warrior. Nevada City, California: Asatru Folk Assemby, 1993. McVan, Ron. Creed of Iron–Wotansvolk Wisdom. Wilmington, North Carolina: 14 Word Press, 1997. - - -. Temple of Wotan: Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes. Wilmington, North Carolina: 14 Word Press, 2000. Mills, A. Rudd. The Call of Our Ancient Nordic Religion. Australia: 1957. Odinic Mythology. 2 vols. London: Odinic Rite, 2000. Pennick, Nigel. Rune Magic: The History and Practice of Ancient Runic Traditions. London: Thorsons, 1993. Sheil, Thorr. Old Norse Mysteries, Deities, and Worship. New York: Trollwise Pubications, no date. Slauson, Irv. The Religion of Odin: A Handbook. Red Wing, Minnesota: Asatru Free Church Committee, 1978. Stead, Lewis. Ravenbok: The Raven Kindred Ritual Book. Wheaton, Maryland: Asatru Today, 1994. Storyteller, Ragnar. Odin’s Return. Payson, Arizona: World Tree Publications, 1995. Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood. Portland: Thule Publications, no date. This is Odinism. London: Odinist Committee, 1974. Thorsson, Edred. Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic. Boston: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1988. - - - . Book of Troth. St. Paul: Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1989. Turner, Earl. The Essentials of Wotanism. Portland: Thule Publications, 1994. Von List, Guido. The Secret of the Runes. Trans. Stephen Flowers. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1988. Wardle, Thorolf. Rune Lore. London: Odinic Rite, no date. Wodanson, Edred. The World Tree: An Introduction to the Ancient Ancestral Religion of Asatru. Union Bay, BC, Canada: Wodanesdag Press, 1995. - - -. A Way of Wyrd. Union Bay, BC, Canada: Wodanesdag Press, 1997. Wulfstan. Odinism in the Modern World. London: Odinic Rite, 2002. Yeowell, John. Book of Blots: Ceremonies, Rituals and Invocations of the Odinic Rite. London: Odinic Rite, 1991. - - -. Hidden Gods: Period of Dual Faith in England 680-1980. London: Odinic Rite, 1995. - - -. Odinism and Christianity Under the Third Reich. London: Odinic Rite, 1993. |
Modern Odinism--which is sometimes referred to as Asatru (an Icelandic term) or Wotanism (a term derived from the German version of Odin’s name)--has produced a body of material available in English. Although many works were privately printed, all are available through the internet. |