The Odyssey Squadrons, each squadron on board
is responsible for keeping the safety, and security of the captain, and second officer as well the ship, and crew.
The Squadrons are also commanded by Captain Heather lee Paris, Commander Colby Davis, and Kris Smith.
The squads are also used as well; as combat units on, and off the ship. The Interstellar Class starship is the only ship in the fleet that implements this Squadrons system.
RED SQUADRON (LEVEL-ONE) The Red Squadron is a level one: battle group of outstanding officers lead by, Kris Smith although she commands all the Squadrons. This Squadron has been trained on the art of war to the fullest extent. The Red Squadrons group is the commanding squad out of all the other squadrons on board the ship. They’re a well train group there skills in reconnaissance. missions have help the Odyssey crew save captured crew members and tactical information. Red Squadron members have the highest security clearance to all the areas on board ship, besides the Captain. BLUE SQUADRON (LEVEL-TWO) The Blue Squadron is a level two: strike group when in battle they potion them selves in multiple areas when fighting on board ship or on a planet surface giving the squads the upper hand. The Blue Squadron is also a air support force, when the other squads are pinned down in tight spaces. The Blue Squadron is also lead by Kris Smith of the Red Squadron. The Blue Squadron members have a level two security clearance to all areas of the ship except a few areas, besides Commander Davis. GREEN SQUADRON (LEVEL-THREE) The Green Squadron is a level three: Information/strike force group responsible for gathering information on the enemy, and there situation, buy providing scans of the area and surrounding area of the battle failed or on board a starship. They’re also responsible for commanding the level four squadrons, with the orders they have received from Commander Kris Smith of the Red Squad. YELLOW SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Yellow Squadron is a level four: support/vehicle maintenance group responsible for civil engineering, food-water services for squadron members during any type of long battles. They are also responsible for services of any kind, and protection of civilians during battles. The Yellow Squadron is the only squad that doesn’t answer to the Red, Green, and Blue Squadrons they only receive there orders from Captain Paris. Because the protection of the civilians is the most important part of there missions. SILVER SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Silver Squadron is also another level four: Security force, in fact the Silver Squadron is responsible for providing security to the command center, and the protection of the commanding squadron during battle out on the failed, and onboard a starship. GOLD SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Gold Squadron is a level four: battle squad/weapons specialist group that is responsible for fighting on planet surfaces or that on board a starship. ORANGE SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Orange Squadron is a level four: battle squad/weapons specialist group that is responsible for fighting on planet surfaces or that on board a starship. PURPLE SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Purple Squadron is a level four: battle squad/weapons specialist group that is responsible for fighting on planet surfaces or that on board a starship. BLACK SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Black Squadron is a level four: battle squad/weapons specialist group that is responsible for fighting on planet surfaces or that on board a starship. WEIGHT SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Weight Squadron is a level four: battle squad/weapons specialist group that is responsible for fighting on planet surfaces or that on board a starship. GRAY SQUADRON (LEVEL-FOUR) The Gray Squadron is a level four: medical/combat squad, they tend to wounded squad members and wounded civilians or crew members during combat where ever it takes place. They’re a vary skilled squad, and can hold there ground when called for it. The Gray Squadron members have level four clearance, with a level four clearance they are permitted to go were normal crew members are allowed to go no more than that unless permitted by the Captain to Commander Davis. |