The dogs will speak for themselves:
Fin&S&N Champion FinWinner-89
Leijliden Ursa Minor
Int&SF&S&Russ&Est&Ltu&Lt&Pl Ch
Finnsieger BaltW-98-01 LtuW-00
Of Leijliden Ficolino
Fin & Est Ch
Of Leijliden Mona Lisa
"Newcomer of Year" Baltic Junior Winner 2001
Of Leijliden Parcifal (7 months in photo)
Miniature pinscher - a dog for many activities
Miniature pinscher suits very well for agility and obedience.
As agile and vital breed miniature pinscher is just made for agility. In Mini-Agility compete several successful miniature pinschers. Obedience also suits well for the breed, that is so intelligent and eager to learn.
Left NordChampion Of Leijliden Pinja (Pedigree)
and her brother Int&NordChampion NordWinner-87 FinWinner-94 Of Leijliden Pilot (Pedigree)
Miniature pinscher as a show dog
Itīs easy to take a miniature pinscher to a dog show, because with his
smooth hair he always looks neat. Anyway itīs necessary to train ring
moving and posing. This can be done easily in unofficial match shows,
that are often organized in cities. Before the show itīs recommended to
check the dogīs nails, ears and teeth, sometimes even a bath is
Left FinChampion EurWinner-91 Of Leijliden Excellent (Pedigree)
and Of Leijliden Alfonso