JUNE 26, 2008

Arriving in Oglala, the temperatures were warm and wet. Each night we experienced beautiful and powerful thunderstorms.  We even ran into a hailstorm…South Dakota was beautiful this year, with plenty of rain, everything was renewed in green compared to last year’s dry spell and wild fires.

We were greeted by warm weather on June 26th the sky was clear and the sun shining bright.  As we gathered once again at the Little’s family cemetery, we began our annual greeting of friends, family, supporters, and we even made some new friends.  Galeson Eagle Star said a few words of welcome, and once again prayers were lead by Fredrick Cedar Face, asking blessing for the visitors, those who’ve walked on, and for the health and freedom of Leonard Peltier.
After ceremony was over, we lined up to do the 2 mile Memorial/Justice Walk to the Jumping Bull property.  The County Sheriff provided an escort for the walkers on the Memorial Walk. Our security crew ensured that the walkers remained safely on their side of the road and out of the on-coming traffic. 

The walkers making the small sacrifice arrived safe and sound at the Jumping Bull property.  There, more prayers were said, more honor songs sang, and a message from Leonard was presented.  Leonard voiced his sadness at the loss of the many warriors who have walked on, Vernon Bellecourt was specifically mentioned, as well, Leonard reiterated his support for this annual event on his behalf.

There the memorial quilt was hung as well as two chairs to embrace the memory of our loved ones Vernon Bellecourt and Floyd Westerman.  Honor songs were performed by the Elk Nation Drum. Words were shared by Fedelia Cross remembering (Wounded Knee Veteran) Ellen Moves Camp. Jeff Not Help Him shared memories of relative Dave C. Clifford, Eileen Janis remembered Vernon as she worked with him to retire the Chief Iliniwic mascot of the University of Illinois.   Pictures and Memorial cakes were sent around, and the give-away was in honor of Vernon and Floyd.

The event at the Jumping Bull property concluded with the Committee's annual give-away honoring those who have walked on.   There was a lot of giveaway left over and these items were taken to Camp Justice.  With everything said and done we moved on over to the Bro. Rene Hall.
After opening words by Galeson, a great fried chicken dinner was served at the Br. Rene Hall.  People visited with each other, various individuals took the microphone to raise awareness about issues as varied as burial rights and repatriation, sacred sites, environmental issues, and inter-tribal cooperation.  A lot if information was shared.  It is our hope that many locals see this as an opportunity to bring attention to their work and efforts. 
We brought a visitor to Oglala this year, Courtney Parchcorn, the Chickasaw youth from Oklahoma.  As you may remember she started the school supply drive in honor of her grandfather.  Recognizing her efforts the Committee honored her with a star quilt as Elk Nation honored her with song.  After the honoring Courtney passed the filled backpacks out to the youth that were in attendance.  Remaining supplies were given to both
Roselyn Jumping Bull and Sister Connie to distribute.  Due to the success of the school supply drive, we again plan to continue these efforts.
Also, recognized, the Oglala Commemoration Committee was honored by Tom Poor Bear with his gift of a beautiful star quilt and an honor song.  Tom shared his words on behalf of the loss of his brothers Vernon and Floyd.
With funds short and high gas prices, it was a hardship for us as well as many of our featured artists to make it up this year.  So this year we had a solo performance, a full evening show with SpydZerback, rocking us into the evening.  Spydzerback played some covers as well as some original pieces; even taking requests for a Bob Dylan tune that was greatly appreciated.   Too it is again our hope that we can feature the local talent.
For their continued support, we would like to thank the following families:
Jumping Bull , Cross , Little, Good Voice Elk , Cedar Face, Janis, Blacksmith.
Additionally we would like to thank the following individuals:
Leonard Peltier, our inspiration and faith
Sheriff Janis, our police escort , Tom Poor Bear ,Owen Black Elk for sound equipment , SpyderZback for rocking our world ,Leola One Feather
Wilma Blacksmith for the awesome frybread
Karen Red Ear Horse for the beautiful memorial cakes
Jeff Not Help Him , LPDOC , AIMGGC Sister Connie for always welcoming us in each year Courtney Parchcorn and family NAICCO , Keith Rabin , Toni Zieden
Tokan Designs Susan Dunn, Candy, Paula and Juliet Wawashisuk
And last no not least, our awesome security:
Chris Lone Elk , Mike Slow Bear , Nick Wounded , Virgil Black Feather
Shiloh Long Visitor , Jesse Cross , Paula Wahwashic
I would also like to send a special shout out of thanks to our director Galeson Eagle Star, for Emcee-ing this year’s event on such short notice.  Many thanks to all the locals for never forgetting Leonard and remembering what this event is about.
Thanks to our on-line auction sponsors of this event, for it is with your generous support that we are able to produce this meaningful event and to pay our respects to those individuals and families that have made the ultimate sacrifices.
We hope to see our friends and family again next year!

Mitakuye Oyasin
Fiscal o8' Report