

My Precious One

My sweet child
The child I wished and hoped for
Who I carried for 9 months
I felt you kick and turn
Swirl inside me
Becoming more and more a human being

I loved you deeply then
And loved you even more the day you came out
So beautiful you were
Those bright green gem of eyes
Beautiful hands, and toes

The way you cooed and ooed
Nothing could compare to that

As the years went by
The ways you grew into your self
Your warm angelic smile
Your soft but oh so cute laughter

The way you wiggled
The ways crawled
The times you called out mommie

Oh what a true moment that was
Bringing tears to my eyes

You were always loved
Always cared for

Your my precious one
Nothing I wouldn't do for you
I'd take away your pain
I'd give you my clothes
My money
My heart
My soul

Anything for you
I would do

My precious one

Here I sit by your side
I watch you
Tears roll down my cheeks
For the baby I raised
Is slipping away

Nothing I can do
But pray and hope
That you wouldn't leave me today
My life will be so empty
Without my beautiful princess

You have a wonderful family
Who loves you dearly
We all come and see you
And we kiss your forehead
And say
We love you

We all wish this would have never happened
Esp to such a precious one like you

If you go away
We all will be deeply saddened
We will be empty
A piece of us gone

I can only hope
As your Mom
That God will take care of you
As I did
Holding you
Caressing you
Telling you daily that he loves you

We will always hold you close
To our hearts
Remembering you always

Your our wonderful precious one
No one could compare to you

If you leave us this day
Or tomorrow

Always know
We love you deeply

For you are
Our precious one

Written by:  Tina N. Miller



