How Does it Feel
How does it feel to be alone
How does it feel to be loved one day and the next day not
How does it feel to be so happy and then so sad
How does it feel to be so angry
How does it feel to awaken to the sun yet you feel so dark inside
How does it feel to trust someone then that person turns their back
How does it feel to give of yourself
Your soul, You'd body, Your mind
To have it crushed
To have it taken away
To have it just be a memory now and not be real
How does it feel to see that person and have a tear run down your eye
Because you know they once loved you and now they love someone else
So, tell me how does it feel
Please tell me
How does it feel to fall asleep at night knowing that one true love
way deep in your heart is gone and never to return
I must know
How does it feel to not even feel anymore
To not know what the sun feels like
To not see the stars twinkle
To not laugh at a funny joke
To not be able to sleep at night
To toss and turn again and again
To just awaken to nobody there beside you
The one true person who said "I love you" is gone
So please tell me
Just tell me one thing
How does it feel
Sept 28, 1999
~Tina Miller~
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