Age: 4 yrs
Birthdate: 1-22-99
Birth Place:  Williston, ND
Living Location:  Belgrade, Mt
I live with my Mom in Belgrade, Mt and get to visit my Dad, sisters, and "My Lori" in Colorado as much as possible.  I am a pretty lucky little boy because my Mom does childcare and a preschool program out of our house.  That means I get to go to preschool and play with my friends while the whole time staying with my Mom.  I think it is great and I learn so much from preschool with my Mom.  I am excited to be able to go to the big school with my big brother next year though.

We have two dogs and two cats.  I love my new kitty my Mom got for me this last summer.  His name is Nemo.  He likes to play a lot and bites me sometimes in play.  Nemo is a black and white striped kitten.  I also love Decker, he is our dashound.  He lays with me when I watch tv sometimes.
** Soon to come... pictures of me growing up**
My Favorite Things:

playing army men, driving all of my R/C cars (Dad is such a sucker),  spending time with my big brother (he is really cool),  visiting my sisters in Colorado (even though they like those icky Barbies),  seeing my Dad and "My Lori", calling Dad and Lori and when they call me, doing anything with my Mom, going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, playing on the computer, watching movies, and of course playing with all of my friends.


Mac and Cheese, apples, bananas, pizza, McDonald's, even better is Burger King, chicken nuggets, and my Mom's speghetti.


Blue and Red


Country music and my preschool songs


Everything with dinosaurs and sharks.  My Lori buys me A LOT of books so I am always changing my mind on which ones are my favorite.
