9 21 05 Updateing the site it's been 3 year's wow lot's of thing's have changed lot of people have gone so i gotta pay my due's to them
Attention ! if you would like any of your pics poem's, art, nasty storys, your link, any thing just send it to ~~ ESEFERNIE@AOL.COM ~~

Never in my life have i accepted the idea of surrender, and i am one of those men who have worked their way up from notting. My present situation, therefore, is notting new to me Once upon a time my own situation was entirely different, and far worse I say this only so that my goal with such fanaticism and matter how much i might be tormented by worries even if my health were shaken by them that wouldstill have not the slightest effect on my decision to fiGHT oN !!
A.H, Dec 28 1944
In Loveing Memory all the fallen us marines and solider's in the never ending conflict in the middle east. you will never be forgotten
Brittany Jane High Elk
July 28 1986 - Feb 25 2004
Jessika age 18
from Cali Riverside Corona