Ka Wai Punahele
Like the kaona nestled within the poetry of Hawaiian music,
Ka Wai Punahele
represents favorite friends, cherished family,
and storied places filled with mana.
Imagine this collection of songs
as a group of friends,
each with their own personality.
You may enjoy some more than others,
but they'll always be with you.
Ka Wai Punahele...
it is a spot hidden from traffic,
a place shared only among your closest friends.
There is a depth to this water.
The currents wander down from Pali Kû,
tumbling over rocks
and caressing banks filled with
fragrant laua'e and 'awapuhi.
With every glistening ripple,
the water invites you in -
listen carefully
to its voice.
Rest your guitar against the nearest koa tree.
Spread your moena.
Dive in, splash around,
and spend an afternoon in the sun with friends...
Here is my song for you,
oh heavenly one,
the Favorite Waters of Pali Kû.
~ Fred Krauss