Nâ Kumu Hula

Nâ = The
Kumu = Main stalk of a tree, Source, Foundation, Basis, Model
Hula = Hula
Articles on the Internet found by a cursory search on the words: "kumu hula". More articles on a specific kumu hula can be searched by using the name of the kumu hula. The more we learn from our hula community leaders, the better our learning and the stronger we are as contributing hula community participants and cultural practitioners. Additions to this informal listing are welcome: e-mail.
Kumu Hula Says: An Informal Sampling of Kumu Hula Wisdom (a work in infancy)
"Nânâ I Na Loea Hula - Look to the Hula Resources": A book on 57 kumu hula & their genealogies and philosophies, 3-98.
`Â`î, `Olana: Hula Aloha - All pau; aloha! - Precious process
Alama, Leilani & Puanani: Honored
Aiu, Coline: Telling the story of Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake - The Family Tree
Beamer, Winona: The Golden Lehua Tree - Honor
Manu Boyd: Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - On Laka - Precious process - Ho`okamaha`o
Canopin, Michael: Hula is more than dance steps - Kumu Hula: Taking a stand in Hawaii politics, 4-98 - serene simplicity
Casupang, Michael: Mid Pacific Institute, Kahiko Champions - Top Teacher
Cazimero, Robert: The Family Tree - MM: 4 Kumu Hula to the Rescue - Saying Goodbye - Give the Native Flora a Break - New Home - Who's the Man
Ceballos, Keali`i: Spirit of Hula Best on Island Soil
Chang, Wayne Keahi: The Family Tree
Ching, William "Sonny": Hula fit for a king -
ha'a, ha'aheo - Ho`omâkaukau - Kumu Hula: Taking a stand in Hawaii politics, 4-98
Collier, Ed: `Iolani Wins Hula Competition
Collins, Camille Kanani: A festival for kids only
Conjugacion, Tony: When is a kumu hula not a kumu hula?
Dalire, Aloha: A Family Tradition - Saying goodbye - Precious process
De Silva, Mapuana: Keepers of the Knowledge - The Family Tree
Dudoit, Moana & Raquel : Ka Hula Piko - Moloka`i Extravaganza
Guerrero, Uluwehi: Winning Moments - Ka Manawa Pono - Pride of Punahele
Hashimoto, Ku`uleinani: Japan hâlau wins `ôlelo award
Heine, Leina`ala: In the Judges' Hula Hands - The Family Tree - MM: 4 Kumu Hula to the Rescue
Hewitt, Frank Kawaikapuokalani: Native Grooves - Hô`ike
Ho`omalu, Mark Keali`i: Oakland hâlau is a trend-setter - Po`okela Chants
Kaimikaua, John: Ka Hula Piko - Moloka`i Extravaganza
Edith Kanaka`ole: In Her Memory - Foundation
Kanaka`ole Nâlani Kanaka`ole: Chant - Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - Uwolani
Kanahele, Pualani Kanaka`ole: Highest Cultural Award - Chant - Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - MM: 4 Kumu Hula to the Rescue - Uwolani
Klein, Mae Kamamalu: The Family Tree
Kumia, John: Missouri: Hula Dancers
Lake, Margaret Maiki Souza Aiu: The Family Tree - Lake's Tribute to Maiki Aiu Lake
Lindsey, Joan: For the Keiki
Loebenstein, Mae Ulalia: Paying their respects to the deities - Loebenstein, Mae Ulalia - Farewell - Tribute - MM Dedication
Luahine, `Iolani: Statue - Dancing Legend - Woman of Deep Power
Lum Ho, Johnny: Where's Johnny? - Nâ`ope on Johnny
Mahoe, Chinky: All pau; aloha!
Mattos, Paleka Leina`ala: MM
Maxwell, Nina & Hi`ilei Maxwell Juan: MM
Mitchell, Auli`i: Coming Home, Article in Ka`u Landing
Mook, Kunewa: MM - MM food
Nâ`ope, George: Master - Uncle George
Nawa, Tomoko Kaleilehua: Hula, Made in Japan
Pang, Michael Pili, Dance blends cultures - Hula Equal in Status
Panoke, Wayne Kaho`onei, Ensuring quality for students -Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97
Park, Puluelo: Becoming Kumu
Pukui, Mary Kawena: Mahalo - Award - Day of Honor
Recca, Shirley: Keiki Hula
Reichel, Keali`i: Bio - Signing - Talk Show - Winning Moments - Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - E O Mai - Pride of Punahele
Sataraka, Kamalei: Happy Hula Hands
Smith, Alicia: Native Hawaiian Health - Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - Kumu Hula: Taking a stand in Hawaii politics, 4-98
Takamine, Victoria Holt: Wa`ahila Power Lines Protest - The Family Tree - Kumu Hula Unite: Dance of the Red Dog, 12-97 - Kumu Hula: Taking a stand in Hawaii politics, 4-98 - All pau; aloha! - Just relax and dance
Tauvela, Anthony Kahôkû: Japan hâlau wins `ôlelo award
Topolinski, John Kaha`i: Hula pageant marks annexation centennial - The Family Tree
A special mahalo nui loa to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for keeping the world-wide hula community informed on hula-goings on via their website and coverage on hula events.

Ka A`o Loko - Inspiration