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The Hawaiian Home (page): Your Mana`o http://www.oocities.org/~olelo/poehula.html Mana`o: thought, belief, opinion, intention,meaning, suggestion, mind. From the word mana: spiritual power You are invited to share your mana`o:your thoughts about Hawai`i, your cultural interests, your special memories, your favorite places… This is the place For your heart To share its Hawai`i Aloha.
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Need a gentle push? "Imagine that you are in a room filled with people, each of whom has an unlit candle. Only you have a candle that is lit; but you reach out to one, and then another, and another to share your light. Although the room becomes brighter and brighter, the light from your candle is not diminished, even though you have shared with many others." True Aloha must be like this I think... ~ Kâwika ![]() You, Aloha-blessed: |
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