The Starfish
Ka Hôkû Kai
[kah HOH' KOO' kai]

Once upon a time, there was a wise kupuna (elder),
who went to the sea to contemplate.
One day, while walking along the shore,
the kupuna looked down the beach,
and saw a gracefully dancing
human figure.

The kupuna wondered out loud,
"Who would so joyfully greet this day with hula?"
and began to walk faster to catch up.

Getting closer,
the kupuna saw that the dancer was a
keiki (child),
who was not dancing at all.
The keiki was reaching down to the sand to pick up something,
and was very gently throwing it into the sea.

The kupuna called out to the keiki,
"Aloha! What are you doing?"

The keiki paused, looked up and replied,
"Throwing starfish into the sea."

Surprised, the kupuna sputtered,
"I…I guess I should have asked,
WHY are you throwing starfish into the sea?"

The keiki smiled brightly, pointed upward and,
with exquisite simplicity, replied,

"The sun is up, the tide is going out.
If I don't throw them in, they will die."

"But, don't you realize, " asked the kupuna,
"that there are miles and miles of beach
and starfish all along it?
You can't possibly make a difference!"

The keiki listened politely.
Then bent down, picked up another starfish,
threw it gently into the sea, just beyond the breaking waves,
and exuberantly declared,
"It made a difference for that one."

In each and every one of us,
there is something very special.
We have all been gifted with the ability
to make a positive difference.

If we are fortunate enough
to fully accept and acknowledge that gift,
we gain the
mana -- the power -- to shape the future.

Like the starfish,
you have been chosen out of the multitude,
to surf upon this cyber-shore
and be inspired by a child's wisdom.

Become the wise keiki.
"The sun is up, the tide is going out.
If I don't throw them in, they will die."

Return The Aloha Spirit
back into your Sea of Life.
Find your starfish.
Throw them gently and wisely back
into the sea so they may live.
Making a difference, you will Live!

And we are all The Blessed…


 ~ Adapted by a Kupuna from a story by Author Unknown

On Sharing

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Laki, he ho`oilina o kou aloha kêia. - Lucky, this is a legacy of your love.
For by The Aloha Spirit that guides these hands across the keyboard, we know you live on.
© 1999