Requests for Translations

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First of all, our sincere apology:
E kala mai!
Sorry! Pardon (us)! Excuse (us)!

At this time, we do not provide translation services, mainly due to time constraints, as we lead busy working lives. Our time and energy resources, like yours, are finite.

These web pages are our hana punahele a ho`onanea (hobby, avocation).

Attending to the scores of requests and the research necessary to obtain accurate translations can be painstakingly time-consuming, and doing so would grind the on-going maintenance and development of the web site to a halt.

One day, when retired and better versed, we may be more inclined to take on such a daunting challenge. But for now...`a`ole hiki ("no can", not possible). E kala mai!

We have, however, prepared a sequence of research steps to help you obtain your translation/s… or click here for a translation by a bona fide expert:

  1. For names, check here: The Hawaiian Home Page: Names.
  2. Check these Online Dictionaries:
  1. Check the SEARCH.
  2. Check the Hawaiian Language web site's Speak Hawaiian Like a Local ;- ) or The First 101 Words.
  3. Check the Hawaiian Language Table of Contents.
  4. Check the Hawaiian Language Word Lists.
  5. Consider obtaining your own resources. All proceeds go to the `Ahahui `Ôlelo Hawai`i.


If the above steps do not yield your translation, then check with a bona fide expert at the `Ahahui `Ôlelo Hawai`i, a private, non-profit organization dedicated to the perpetuation of the Hawaiian language:

`Ahahui `Ôlelo Hawai`i
928 Nu`uanu Avenue #503
Honolulu, HI 96817

Telephone - (808) 528-5453
FAX - (808) 566-0761
Email -

If you use their services, PLEASE respect and observe the Hawaiian value of pâna`i reciprocity (i.e., partake only if you are willing to give).

The `Ahahui is a non-profit organization, it depends on donations to pay for overhead expenses. The `Ahahui is composed of friendly, helpful experts, who are 100% dedicated to perpetuating the language.

Would you please send the `Ahahui a generous contribution to the above address in return for their effort? Your donation is tax-deductible and supportive of a deserving, hardworking organization.

To the skeptical/cynical:

We have no affiliation with this group, we just immensely like and wholeheartedly support their important work.

E ola mau i ka `ôlelo Hawai`i!
May the Hawaiian language live on!

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May Your Life Brilliantly Shine with the Light of The Aloha Spirit!

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