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Organa-Zation Fanfiction
Author Profiles
Fanfiction Reviews
Do you love to read fan fiction, but hate wading through stories about X-wing pilots you've never heard of and Imperials portrayed as good guys? Then come on in and read our Leia fic! We want this collection to grow, so please contribute!

The Legend

Stories have been broken up onto seperatepages by author. A icon by theauthor's name indicates that there is a new story on that page.

File types and sizes are listed for your information. If none are listed, the story is not housed on this server (yes, permission has been gained to link to them). The icons before the story titles will assist you in finding the perfect story to suit your current mood.

Stories marked with the notations of Violence, Adult Language, or Sexual Situations are rated NC-17. If you are under 17, you should not read them. This site's administrators will not be responsible for any consequences if you do. You've been warned! :)

= Action
= Backstory
= Crossover
= Missing Moments
= Politics
= Romance
= Alternate Universe

Stories by various authors

Challenge Fics from the Organa-Zation mailing list

Stories by various Organa-zation members

Stories by Dianora

Stories by Empress Vader

Stories by Lynne Freels

Stories by Susan Gater

Stories by Carolyn Golledge

Stories by Kelly Kline

Stories by Lelila

Stories by Maree

Stories by Pebbles

Stories by T.J. Perkins

Stories by Suzanne L. Petroske

Stories by Becky Sims

Stories by Michelle Slaughter

Stories by Dant Solo

Stories by R_Solo56

Stories by Sweetheart

Stories, Poetry and Filks by Bria Tharen

Stories and Poems by Susan Zahn

This page last changed 8-4-06!