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I bet you're thinking: "Great page,but whereare the pictures? The sounds? What kind of a Leia page is this?" Well, we here at the Organa-zation decided that nothing we could do could be any better than what was already out there, so we thought we'd just point you to where you COULD find all this stuff. Below you will hopefully find the most complete list of Leia links on the Web. And to make it even easier, we've even provided a short description of what you'll find at each site.

This is Some Rescue!

A newer page dedicated to the Han/Leia relationship. Has a great message board!

The Han and Leia Shrine

A page dedicated to the greatest romance in the GFFA. **Sigh**

La Galeria de la Princesa Leia

The Princess Leia Gallery (yes, another one) for you non-Spanish speakers out there. We here at theOrgana-zation think Leia fandom is universal, so we don't discriminate! Besides, this site is well worth looking at even if you don't speak a word of Spanish! There's a lot of rare publicity shots here, and some great graphics. And if you do speak Spanish, you're in for an extra treat; all the photos have descriptions, and a lot of them are full of interesting info.

The Carrie Fisher Page

The Official Carrie Fisher webpage.

And we would be remiss without including some other important and useful StarWars Links:

The Official Star Wars Homepage

What is there to say about this one? The only Star Wars site sanctioned byLucasfilm, and there's some great stuff here. Not the motherload, but there'sstuff here you won't find anyplace else.

The Wookiee Rendezvous HomePage

Another Zine page, this one for Wookiee Rendezvous.

Yet another Zine page, this one for Delusions of Grandeur.

And don't forget to check out the links on:

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This page last changed 7-5-04.