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Fanfiction Reviews

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Know a great Leia story?  Tell us about it here! 

Have you ever wondered just how good a story was before you comitted yourself to reading it?  Especially the long ones?  Well, find out here!  Submission guidelines are basically the same as for fanfic (see FAQ); stories need not be archived here, but do need to feature Leia prominantly.   And feel free to review a story that's already been reviewed.

0 Stars - Have you even seen the movies?
Go watch The Empire Strikes Back a few more times
 star star - If you're desperate
 star star star - Worth a look
 star star star star - Print this one out
 star star star star star - Somebody call Lucasfilm!  This is who should be writing profic!

Checkmate by Suzanne L. Petroske
Read the story Sexual situations

Lelila's review
 star star star

Fanfic Discussions

On the mailing list, we sometimes discuss a piece of fanfiction, kind of like in a book club. Just to keep things understood, here are the guidelines for that:

First off, please read this missive about how to review fanfic: Click Here (Thank you Sue Parsons and Nerfherders Playground!)

Second: Please note the following when participating in the discussions:

1. Any Leia-centered story anywhere on the web is up for grabs. [For the moment, let's keep it to the stories up on the OZ website. There's lots to choose from, so we'll be good for a while.] If you have a story you'd like to discuss, suggest it to the moderator [that's me]. She will attempt to get permission from the author. If permission is not given, the discussion will not proceed.

2. The author may give a brief, general statement before the discussion begins, mainly having to do with when the story was written, what the inspiration was, etc. At this time however, she should do her best to keep her opinion about her story to herself, so as not to color the discussion.

4. One week after the discussion begins, the author may weigh in with her comments and opinions about the story.

5. Discussion participants may ask direct questions of the author about the story.

6. No part of the discussion may be of a personal nature (e.g. "You really are stupid for writing this.").

7. Whenever possible, opinions should be backed up with some kind of an example ("The characterization was really clunky. For example, when Leia says...")

8. The discussion will take place with the understanding by both the author and the participants that a)this is for fun and b) it is to help the authors improve.

9. While the authors, if they choose to participate in the discussion, may address points brought up by the other discussion members she should a)not take things personally, and b)not snap back at other discussion members (see #6).

10. All other rules for list discussion apply. The moderator reserves the right to warn members or stop a discussion if things get out of hand.