This document recreated from a document sent by the Mildenhalls and Gordon Bateman
The Rev. Lucian Pulvermacher, O.F .M. Cap.
May 27, 1998
Dear (name removed for personal security),
A very, very strange thing has occurred in that Dominic Gruetzmacher wrote a letter of concern to the men in charge of the papal election with a concern about me and my relation to the pendulum. It implied that I am wrong "concern" in the teaching and use of the pendulum. I asked who among our Catholics has that concern, and it seems you are the only one, so far. I am writing to put you and all those who find fault in the pendulum and anyone who uses it properly, in their place, once and for all.
You have been sent my literature on the pendulum, so I do not have to send that again. In Moral Theology it is very clear that the pendulum has a proper place in our lives. The first thing that comes to mind is that it is used to find water and metals under the ground. It is an absolute necessity where water is deep under the ground, and not to use it when one knows its proper use would be just insane. Who wants to drill four or five two thousand feet wells in order to find water when he can find the water before he ever starts the first drilling, and this is as nature works, true.
There are other uses also. If you have a food that is bad for you, giving you an allergy, and you do not know the food, then the pendulum can help you. To me that is just wonderful.
Now I will put you in a very strange position. If you deny the known truth, no matter what the known truth is, you sin against the Holy Ghost, and for that sin, as the sin stands, cannot be forgiven. I said ''as the sin stands" because internal to the sin the person will never go to God for forgiveness. If one in spite of that gets a special grace he still could get forgiveness, but the chances are slim.
By denying the validity of the pendulum and its proper use you are involved in the denial of a known truth, and just for that you certainly go into ill favour with God. I shall quote the poem that introduces the sixth day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost. It reads:
"If Thou take Thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay,
All his good is turn'd to ill."
Evelyn, I gravely fear for your eternal salvation. Furthermore, if you spread your fear for me when I am correct, you place yourself in the company of those terrible men who condemned Our Lord Jesus Christ with the pointing finger: "He cures on the Sabbath." Our Lord was not evil. Those who said that were evil. Just think what you are doing. You are defaming a priest, and a just priest (not an evil one) is sacred to God as the apple of His eye, so to speak. He will not let you get away with this nonsense.
Recently, Ken Mock shouted (by e-mail) at me thus; "Have you gone mad'?" When Bateman and I learned that all of Europe had abandoned the papal election we told him that it was time to get at the election, and to that he said, "Have you gone mad'?" At that moment the mantle of leadership fell from his shoulders just as the mantle of leadership fell from the shoulders of Moses when he doubted God at the time God told him to draw water from the rock with his cane.
If you do not agree with what is in the Moral Theology books on the pendulum then I have to deny you the sacraments. I do not say you ever have to use it, but I tell you that you may never tell other that it wrong to use it. Those under your authority you can command, deny them the use of it as a domestic rule, but you can never make it an evil in itself. Period!
I never expected that I would have to eyeball you on any issue as I do in this letter, but I want to see you in heaven. Please, respond to right reason and. the Catholic faith that presumably is still in you.
Wishing you the full flow of God's graces, I am,
Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,