Col. William H Sanford was born in Richmond county in 1791. In 1819 when he was 27 years old, he married a widow, Mrs. Mary Weldon Moxley, who already had two sons. They had a daughter, Elizabeth Mary, his wife died in 1843, and he remarried a year and a half later to Mary E. Cox. She died the next year leaving no children. In 1846, when William was 55 years old, he married the 17 year old Mary Jane Sandy, who lived at Piney Grove. They had six children.
William H. Sanford was a well-known, highly respected man in his day, and a large property holder. Among his plantations were Mount Airy, Currioman, Springfield and Meadow Farm which was a large farm near Zacata,Virginia. Also, there was a town house in Montross which came from the old Thomas Spence property along with the old tavern, 96 acres of land and the Brick Store House on 2 acres, adjoining theCourt House. Mr. Sanford also donated land for the present day Providence Methodist Church. Currioman had been purchased in 1820 and was in the family for 113 years. Currioman Plantation consisted of over 1,000 acres extending from Chiltons Cross Roads to Currioman Bay.
At his death, and the death of his wife, Mary Jane, Williams vast holdings were to go to his three sons-William Hartwell Sanford, Henry Asbury Sanford and Millard Filmore Sanford, of whom all were born and raised at Springfield.
There was an agreement between William, Asbury, and Filmore(the sons of William Henry Sanford) and Mary Jane Sanford(widow of W. H. Sanford).
In the Agreement, Mary Jane was to recieve "Currioman Plantation" as her dower. She was also to have a lifetime interest in the Springfield house, yard, and garden, and a sum of money. At her death, the house and garden went to Asbury, her son.
William H. Sanford was to inherit "Mount Airy" on the Potomac consisting of 690 acres. Filmore Sanford was to inherit the farm near Montross called "Atwillton" (501 acres). Asbury Sanford was to inherit the old Springfield Plantation including the house.
William Hartwell was a surveyor. He lived most of his life at Mount Airy and Currioman Hill. William died June 20, 1933. He was known throughout the community as "Hardy" Sanford.(One of several Sanfords that were named Hardy.)
Millard Filmore Sanford was a minister and made his home at Atwillton. He was a noted Baptist and helped found Currioman Baptist Church at Zacata, Virginia.
Henry A. Sanford made Springfield his house after his mother died. He and his two wives had thirteen children, all of which were raised at Springfield. Catherine Ann Johnson, daughter of Beverly, presently lives in the old Springfield house.
William Hartwell Sanford was the eldest son of Col. William.
He was born at Springfield and died at Currioman in his 84th year. He spent the greater part of his life at Mount Airy and Currioman. He was one of several men of the Sanfords known as "Hardy" Sanford. Mr. Sanford died June 20, 1933.