This 14 year old Nisha Ann Reginald is making waves in the National Basketball circles and is being talked about as a Star in the making.  The talented eight standard student of Sophia High School , Bangalore, who has given her best to surpass and transcend to excellence.  An extremely spirited and enthusiastic, Nisha as a four year old did not understand the nuances of Basketball and instead chose the mother of all sports “Athletics” to expand her bubbling energy, and to have taken up Basketball later and more significantly made a mark in it is indeed commendable.

    At a very young age of four, Nisha realised she had a flair for field and track events, quickly learning the aspects of jumping and running.  It was as a long jumper that she made her early strides under the watchful eyes of Coach Mr. Babu Shetty an International athletic of repute.  At the age of six she won a bronze medal in the under - 10 long jump event.  A 13.1 run in the 100 Mtr. for a fourth standard student in a inter school meet brought laurels to her and her club (Bangalore Sports Club).

    At 7 years Nisha joined the Burn Basketball Academy run by the former captain Mr. Reginald Rajan and it was now that her obsession for this game started - Lured as she was Nisha’s addiction to the game shot up.  With School coach Capt. P. Ramar presently the Indian Men Team coach installing the confidence into the player and Mr. Mohan Kumar (Coach of Beagles Basketball Club, Malleshwaram) taking her under his wings, young Nisha played her first memorable State Tournament for Sub-juniors (Under 13 years) when she was hardly 8 years old.  She became a part of her School Junior Basketball Team in Third Standard and was into the Senior Sophia Team in 5th Standard.

    She puts tremendous efforts and fervour into the game as excellent defender, having height and agility is a great advantage in any sport.

    Nisha dribbled her way upto 15thplace in the State Selector’s Chart in 1999.  In 2000 her dream slowly unfurling saw young Nisha cruise into the Karnataka State Sub-Junior Team (Under 13) at the 27th Basketball Nationals held at Pondicherry by breaking the age barrier for the first time. By now the State Selector’s could see that they had a star material to contend with, from this point Nisha did not have to look back.  Two Sub-Junior Nationals followed 28th and 29th in 2001 and 2002 held at Karuputhala (Punjab) and Pondicherry.  In 2002 Nisha captained the Beagles Basketball Girls Sub-Junior team in the State Tournament and won the Tournament.  She Captained the Karnataka State Sub-Junior Girl’s Team in 2002.  The same year she got the attention of the National Team Selector’s and was asked to attend the Indian Team Sub-Junior Camp at Pondicherry.

    In 2003 as a 13 year old Nisha made it to the State Junior Team (Under 18) probably the Youngest ever to make the cut in the 54th Junior National Basketball Championship held at Ludhiana (Punjab) followed by the 20th Youth National Basketball Championship (Under 16 years) held at Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. (Karnataka Youth girls team won the Third place in the 20th Youth Nationals).

    “Nisha’s ability to the team is beyond doubt” is a chorus that reverberates among the State Coaches and the National Selector’s too have noticed this budding star in the making and called her for the Indian Team Camp for Youth (Under 16) and the Juniors under 18 years too.

    It was a joy for her and to those who have been following her basketball graph closely.  Nisha’s induction in the State Senior Team (Womens) for the 54th Senior National Basketball Championship held at Cuttack, Orissa in Dec. 2003 was the crowning moment for her.

    Her exploits however does not stop at this.  Adept at swimming, horse riding, drawing, painting singing and she is good in academics too.  Nisha Ann Reginald has set her sights high “First I want to play for India and then probably make it to the Asian All-Star Side”.  Sounds ambitious, but age is on her side, it goes without saying that her self determination, resolution and the commitment to excel would definitely go a long way in reaching her goal very soon.  She thanks her School and Teachers for all the support and encouragement given to her from time to time.

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Thought for the Day: " Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets."Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26