Ostriches' Products for Sales

Eggs & Feathers | Pendants | Leather Products | Meat/ Others

Ostrich's EGGs & Feathers

All these eggs are laid by ostriches in our showfarm. They are plain and of various textures. These eggs can be used as a lamp or an ornament as they had been emptied due to their infertility. The best part is that you can draw on the eggs and when satisfied with your creation, you follow by outlining them with permanent ink.

But if you think that you are not artistic enough, dun worry, there is also artist-painted eggs or machine that print pictures onto them . Feathers once considered a symbol of nobility in ancients are available in its natural colours or have been dyed in other attractive colours like yellow, red, white.

This is the feathers of the Ostriches after processing...
It has been sent to other countries for the dyeing process...
We have other colours like yellow, white and even unproccess Ostrich's feather as to provide a more natural effect...


Ostrich's Pendants


Interested in unique pendants??
We have Pendants picturing an ostrich. Available in various colours: red, blue, etc As we all know that ostriches are very elegant birds. They walk and fight in a very elegantly manner, so as with an ostrich pendant, it definitely makes one seemed more elegant.


Ostrich's Bags, Wallets & Pouches

Ostrich leather products are available in our showfarm,
and whats more our manufacturer are also the those who manufacture popular wallets' brand. We have a varieties of wallets in different colours and sizes, pouches handbags, and even shoes for you.

Have a closer look at the wallets and pouches and others. They are all made from different parts of an ostrich, and one full grown ostrich's skin can only made into 1 handbag/ Wallet and 2 pouches.


Meat/ Others

Fresh and dried ostrich meat
are up for sales in our showfarm. As you know, Ostriches are very strong and healthy birds, and the percentage of fats found in their body is very little, thats' why the ostrich essence is also a very healthy product especially true since an ostrich have lower cholesterol than other animals/ birds. We also have face, skin, scalp, hand lotion available in our showfarm.

This is the ostrich leg tendon... It is used to brew soup..
This part of the ostrich consist of the least fats...
As you know, Ostrich has very strong legs, and it is said
that this leg tendoncan build up ones' muscle..

This is the ostrich essence...
Its similar to original chicken essence in term of colour and taste..
But its definitly more healthy comared to chicken essence..
Ostrich has lesser fats compared to chicken...
We do have a comparison chart (below)on the different protein and energy different types of meat has...

Please be very careful while purchasing any Ostrich pdts.. There are alot of places in Singapore, Malaysia and many countries which are selling ostrich's product, but do be careful as there are many fake leathers/ meats in the market which ar
e also selling at a very high price.

These are some example of original feathers that are being attached to pens, pencils and letter openers....
All these are not only souvenirs of the farms but also Malaysia...
The word "Malaysia" are encraved on some on these stationery..
Most people think had the concept on why shall they waste money to purchase these stationery when they can buy them cheaper outside...
But do you know that with a feather sticking out of a pen or pencils, kids will be more motivated to study as they will be anxious to write with these special pens and pencils...

The bottles with pink labels (left) are shampoo... The bottles with
green labels (right) are shower foams...


So, HURRY UP!! and eMail us and we will assist you!



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