In Loving Memory of
Cody Joe Wade
February 23, 1985 - May 10, 2005

This image of Cody and his Mom is a loving gift from my dear friend Linda.
She also made this wonderful background set for Cody's page as well.


Mom, I’m watching over you from her up above
Mom, I know that you always gave me all of your love
Mom, when I was growing up you had taught me so much
You have always taken care of me with your gentle touch.
Mom, I know that your pain in your heart will never go away
Mom, sometimes you have to put on a mask to get you through each day
Mom, I remember all of the happy times that we had shared
And all the bumps and bruises I’d gotten and how much you cared.
Mom, you were always there when I needed a friend
Mom, you always knew what to say to make my heart mend
Mom, I just want to say thank you for all you have done
You had shown me so many things and how to enjoy life and have fun
Mom, I know that you miss me with all of your heart
Mom, each day that comes I know that you have to make a new start
Mom, you have so much kindness and you try to share it with all
Some day you will see me again when it’s your final call
I can go forever and talk about my mom and all she had done for me
She carries my picture with her each day for all the world to see
Mom, you’ll never forget me, I know how much pain that you bare
And you show everyone each day how much you really do care
Mom, I LOVE YOU, Cody

This is another gift for Angel Cody from Linda.

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Cody from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

My Sister With Cory and Cody at Thanksgiving 2004. They loved to tease her.
Cody was like the child she never had. Her name is Carol Hunter.

Carol could not be there for Cody's 1st Heaven Date so she wrote this:


2/23/85 - 5/10/05



Cody's friends and his sister.

In Loving Memory ~ Cody Joe Wade
2-23-1985 ~ 5-10-2005

He Only Takes The Best
God saw he was his happiest and
Someone would not let that be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered
“Come with me”
With tear filled eyes we watched him,
Fade away. Although we loved him deeply,
We could not make him stay.
A Golden Heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the Best.
Our Bond will never be broken.
I Love You, Mom

Thank You Judy York for your continued dedication to Cody.

This is a good picture of Cody smiling.

Cody and His Papaw and Mamaw Wade at our house in Oswalt.

Cody and his Memaw Wade. He was everything to her.

Cody was younger here. I love this picture, it looks like he is about to say something. He was at school, Turner High.

Cody talking to my Mom (his maternal Grandmother). They were close as well.


A sweeter kid you’ll never find always loving and very kind
He joined our family in 94, and it was love at first site
when he walked thru the door. That curly blonde hair and those mis- chievous eyes,
we never knew what he’d do to bring a smile.
He would wrestle with Brandon and could never win,
until he grew bigger and taller than him.
To aggravate Philecia was his delight
but her twins he treated like little sisters in his sight.
He never liked to have his picture taken: so his arm he would use to hide his face.
He and I would argue, and I’d beg him, please.
He’d give in but to only one he’d agree.
At Nana and Papa’s house, he loved to eat, sleep or just hang out
and never minded doing anything just to help out.
No one loved his sisters and brother more
and they loved him back and will forever more.
Brandi was 13 when he came along, so she babied and mothered him through out his life.
As her kids, Destinie and Braidon, came along,
Cody became their big brother who helped them be strong.
Ashley and Cory shared their Dad with him, and He shared his Mom with them,
and they became a family from that time on.
He loved his Papaw and Mamaw Wade dearly,
you could just tell by his words when he spoke about them clearly.
Until his Dad died when he was very young,
Cody worked with him on the family farm.
He never wanted to forget that part of his life
so a picture of his Dad in his wallet he kept.
From all the pictures I have seen, I can tell that his Aunt Carol was very special to him,
and Grandma and Grandpa Smith meant the world to him.
Even after his own boys were born,
Uncle Darrin loved him like his very own.
No other Mother on Earth has loved a son more;
Cody could make her smile by walking thru the door.
“Now Mom, I can do that by myself.” sometimes he would say.
But he would always let her do it, just to make her day.
When Bobby became his Dad, a strong bond was formed.
They loved to hunt and ride horses on the farm.
we will all miss Cody each and every day,
and we’ll never forget his own special ways.

I Love You,
Aunt Pam

This poem above was on Cody's Program sheet handed out at his funeral...

Me, Cody and his Uncle Darrin (my brother) Cody and Darrin were a lot alike in some ways. This was when Darrin was working
and going to College. Darrin is a successful IT Director in Dallas, Texas.

The two pictures above are Cody and his half sister Brandi.

Cody with Brandi when she graduated nursing school.

Cody and Bobby (Cody's step father) Cody's paternal father was deceased when Cody was about 9.
After that, Cody really bonded with Bobby and they became so very close. Bobby really misses Cody so much.

Here is a picture of Cory (Cody's step-brother that he loved), My Husband Bobby (Cody loved), and Cody on the end.
It was Christmas 2004.

Cody and his dad's brother and his wife. His dad had three brothers, and they were all close to Cody.

Cody with his dad's other brother and his wife.

Cody and the three brothers and his grandpa when Cody graduated high school.

When Bobby and I married. This was us and our children. Cody, Cory and Ashley.

Bobby and I and our Wedding Party. This was where it all started with joining our familes.
Bobby with his son Cory and daughter Ashley and me with my son Cody.

I like the smile...

The Cord

We are connected,
My child and I, by
An invisible cord
Not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord
That connects us 'til birth
This cord can't been seen
By any on Earth.

This cord does it's work
Right from the start.
It binds us together
Attached to my heart.

I know that it's there
Though no one can see
The invisible cord
From my child to me.

The strength of this cord
Is hard to describe.
It can't be destroyed
It can't be denied.

It's stronger than any cord
Man could create
It withstands the test
Can hold any weight.

And though you are gone,
Though you're not here with me,
The cord is still there
But no one can see.

It pulls at my heart
I am bruised...I am sore,
But this cord is my lifeline
As never before.

I am thankful that God
Connects us this way
A mother and child
Death can't take it away!
~ author unknown

Another good picture of Cody.

Cody's Grandparents on his biological dad's side. They were as close to him as I was (if that is possible.) They never quit loving me
and they loved my husband (since Cody's dad died when Cody was 9.) They knew Cody loved my husband,
so that's all they needed to love him back.
They are the best

Cody and his half sister. She is a nurse. She was as close to Cody as anyone.

Here is Cody at the Cox Clan Reunion with Brandon (My husband's nephew). Cody and Brandon were really close.
Brandon was the last person Cody got to hang out with before he died.

Cody and Cory with Cody's dog (Kilo). We still have that dog. He is a sweetie and spoiled.

Cody's dog Kilo. He is a pit bulldog, but thinks he is a lap dog and is so loving and harmless.

Cody and Cory messing around with my camera. Those two were unseparable.

MeMe’s boy ~ Cody Lane. My Cody Joe sent me Cody Lane.

I wrote your name on the sand, but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name on the sky, but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it'll stay.

There are a total of 4 web pages on Angel Cody's website. Please be sure to visit each page
and sign Cody's guest book if you can. Thank you!

I want to Thank Maria, Christopher's Mom
for making Cody's Memorial site possible. Maria did the entire site herself.
We are all very grateful for her.
Much Love from Cody's Family and Friends......

Dearest Theresa and Aunt Carol

One Day when your Time comes
The Day that GOD calls you HOME
You will be with your Cody again
And you will never be alone
You don't have to feel empty
Cody is with you always
Just open your Heart
Look up
He see's you
Watches you, but mostly
He protects you
Please believe that

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

With Love For Cody
His Memory Will Live On
Ann, Laurasmom

Thinking of You and you are in my prayers
With Love

For Cody Wade and his mother.

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Cody Joe Wade
on April 29, 2006
Last updated: May 9, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher