In Loving Memory of
Cody Joe Wade
February 23, 1985 - May 10, 2005

This is a gift for Angel Cody from Linda.

This is a charm picture for me Cody was so happy on this trip to the lake with us.
This is both his step brother and step sister.

This is a good picture of Cody.


They say you will not come again,
But I shall always hear
Your voice in silence and in song,
And feel you ever near.

They say you have passed beyond,
Unto the joy supreme.
But I can always call you back
Into the land of dream.

For death is but a gateway
To the great reality,
A new beginning, not an end
Of human destiny.

For love is all, and life goes on
In spite of grief and pain,
And deep within my heart I know
That we shall meet again.
~ Author Unknown

Cody and Catlin, his really good friend.

Cody with Michael (his good friend from school)

Cody and his friend Dustin.

Cody with his friend (Dustin's) mom Tanya.

Cody's Class for 2004.

From left to right Dustin (Cody's friend) Cody and Joey (Cody's brother in law and friend).

Cody's step brother Cory, His step cousin Brandon and Joey his step brother-in-law.
Cody was very close to all three of these boys.

When Cody was born.

One of my favorite pictures of Cody as a child.

Cody and his maternal step grandfather Papaw Smith.

Just a sweet picture of Cody in elementary school.

Cody and Cory when Bobby and I got married. They were part of the wedding party.
This is how old they were when we married.

Cody was proud of catching this fish!

You are not Gone

Although your body is no longer
In it's Earthly abode,
Your soul lingers on
In my heart and thoughts.

Your spirit is with me.
I see your face.
I talk with you.
I feel your protective touch.

The clock keeps ticking.
The world keeps turning.
Life goes on.
For me, time stands still.
You are with me always.
Written by Iris Morganstern

Cody, Bobby and Cory. We were on vacation in Florida.

Another good picture of Cody, Bobby and Cory at Thanksgiving 2004.

This was in our back yard in the country. Cody knew I walked every day back there
and when he was deer hunting he ran across it. He was proud of it.
But I don't like dead things. Looks too much like a kitty cat to me.

Cody at school with friends.

Cody and my husband.

I noticed Cody was smiling but looking away, But it's a good picture of his dog Kilo
and his step sister and step dad.

This is Cody and the only cat he ever owned. He loved this cat.

Cody and Me (Cody's Mom) with "The Twins," Our Niece's children. The twins came in the family
the same time Cody and I did. They remember Cody from birth. Cody had a lot of fun teasing them.
They loved to tease him back.


Hey Mom and Dad
Just want to say
Everything's okay, I'm just fine
Don't worry about me, no, not another day

It's great here
No aches or pains
I've been made anew
Why when I arrived, I was given wings
God is so loving and wonderful
He has already got plans for me
It's so great to be here
So much for one to see

I know I'm terribly missed
Mom and Dad, I also miss you too
But guess what I got to do
God's going to let me, watch over you
One day we will be together once more
What a reunion that will be
So Mon and Dad, I give my love
And Angel kisses from me
Written by Doyle Alldredge

Here Cody is at State playoffs.

Cody wearing his number 23 jersey.

Here he is going for a basketball shot.

Cody with his step sister Ashley. She misses him so much. They were the same as full blood siblings.

Really Good picture of Cody and his step sister he loved, Ashley.

Cody on this 20th Birthday (just 3 months before he died) with his Maternal Grandmother and
Step Grandfather. They kept him a lot when he was little. He loved them so much.

Cody's last Birthday Party (20 years old) He died 3 months later. People in picture
were from left to right: Cory, Cody, Bobby (Cody's step dad),
NaNa (Cody's step grandma he loved), PaPa (Cody's step grandpa he loved),
Joey (Cody's Step brother-in-law he loved),
and Ashley (Cody's step sister he loved).

This was what we put in our newspaper for Cody's 21st birthday, Feb. 23, 2006

"He Only Took My Hand"

Last night while I was trying to sleep;
My son’s voice I did hear.
I opened my eyes and looked around
But he did not appear.
He said, “Mom you’ve got to listen,
You’ve got to understand,
God didn’t take me from you, Mom,
He only took my hand.
When I called out in pain that night,
The instant that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
And pulled me to His side.
He pulled me up and saved me
From the misery and pain.
My body was hurt so badly inside,
I could never be the same.
My search is really over now,
I’ve found happiness within.
All the answers to my empty dreams
and all that might have been.
I love you so and miss you so,
And I’ll always be nearby.
My body’s gone forever,
But my spirit will never die!
And so, you must go on now,
Live one day at a time.
Just understand-
God did not take me from you,
He only took my hand.”
~ Author Unknown

Cody with his grandparents and half sister and her kids.

Good picture of Cody.

This is Samson, Daisey and Kilo (Cody's Dog) at birthday party. Cody loved all three dogs.
He loved to tease Daisey.

Maybe even a better picture of Cody's dog and his last girlfriend.

You never said I'm leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place,
That no one could ever fill
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn't go alone
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home.
~ Author Unknown

Here is the last picture I took of Cody. He was asleep with his dog on the sofa.
His dog is named KILO and he is a charmer.



A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Cody Joe Wade
on May 12, 2006
Last updated: January 3, 2007
© 2000 - 2007

Maria's Tribute to Christopher