The following people are asked to refrain from joining Chiddush group:
Some yeshivas and kollels frown upon the use of the Internet or email for their students.
It is the policy of the Chiddush group to respect this position as perfectly acceptable and meaningful.
The Chiddush group is not intended as a way to find an excuse to get around this stricture. Students who study in those Yeshivot that have determined that the Internet is not proper for their students should refrain from joining the Chiddush group until they speak to their own Rabbi.
The group is intended for individuals and talmedei chachamim for whom there is no restriction or limitation on the use of the Internet.
Although Chiddush presents valuable and worthwhile material that is consistent with the studies of talmidei chacham, no students have the privilege or the right to violate the teachings and decisions of their Rabbis.
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Is it proper to exclude these people from Chiddush? Why or why not?
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.