A mission statement Who runs these groups and this website? Journalists sometimes ask to know more about the webmaster and moderator. This web page will also help, and it will give information about the groups.
Try our publicity website. It includes some articles. Please discuss it with me before "borrowing" it. In addition, I can write an article for you.
Certainly - but it takes more than a statement to express it, and I prefer to call it my vision.
The exact numbers are always available on the Yahoo website. However, they are misleading. The numbers cannot be counted in the same way as, say, an advertisement in a newspaper, a banner advertisement or a link on a website, or the numbers in any discussion group.
Up to a year before beginning any forum, the moderator assembles a cadre of experts in the field. Those experts remain on the group. Others may join for varying amounts of time in order to pose individual queries or to discuss long-term issues.
Thus, this format is different from any other group.
However, if numbers are important, then it is safe to say that more than a million people have passed through the groups over the course of time. These groups have attracted a large segment of the Jewish nation from around the world, and in the most distant locations.
For some Jews, this is their only contact with Jews or Judaism. The groups give many Jews the incentive to maintain their contact with Judaism. For others, these groups provide a means to maintain contact with the world Jewish community in their area of expertise or learning.
Unquestionably. I have firm evidence that this is the case - and the evidence is reconfirmed every day. I am a cyberwitness to a Jew who strengthens his ties with his religion through these groups every single day.
Furthermore, for the first time in 2000 years, the entire Jewish nation is able to talk openly, politely, and courteously among ourselves. That in itself may be an excellent way to measure the worldwide impact of these Jewish groups.
Jews talk to each other. They send emails about things that are of interest or importance, they tell their acquaintances and contacts, they post publicity information on newspaper and magazine articles, and they talk about the grioups on radio broadcasts throughout the world.
The entire Jewish population. Any Jew can find a niche in this wide variety of Jewish groups.
They just keep growing. However, there is a natural limit, which will depend on my finding funding.
That funding will serve several purposes:
is defined as
"a long, awkward sentence
that demonstrates management's inability
to think clearly.
All good companies
have one
- Source unknown
I want to write an article about these groups. How can I get information?
Do you have a mission statement?
Can you give us some statistics about your groups?
Do you feel that these groups are having an impact on the Jewish world?
How do people find out about these discussion groups
Which segment of the population do these groups try to target?
What is the future for the discussion groups?
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Explore these Jewish groups
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