Reporter to Sir Winston Churchill This web page is devoted to the importance of women on our Jewish groups.
Women have such an honored and revered position in Jewish tradition that in many cases they are given more respect than men.
Women are not men’s equals. Women are different.
As such, we will respect the traditional view of women and women’s role on various groups, such as RabbiNet.
We welcome the opinion of the Rabbi’s wife – the Rabbanit or the Rebbetzin – in our discussions. The Rabbi’s wife has an important position in the community and as a community leader her voice is very important.
However, the trend in some the conservative and reform trend to appoint women rabbis as leaders of the community is not acceptable in the Rabbi forum in Rabbi Net and women rabbis will not be asked to join.
These issues regarding the appointment of a woman rabbi are discussed in The Other Shul. In other words, it is an important enough topic to merit its own discussion group, a separate forum.
In addition, we have set up two separate discussion forums just for women. The more strictly moderated group is called Eshet Chayil and all women are invited to join. A second group which also includes only women but which covers other topics is called Tisha Kabin. Again, all women are invited to join that one.
Regarding issues that relate to the home, the Jewish Homes group may be of interest.
Thus, women can join this group but not as rabbis can join the Rabbi group but not as rabbis. In addition, our Leining group has discussed and will continue to discuss issues regarding women reading the Torah – but only within a situation of other women because of the halachic custom relating to kvod tzibur, respect for the congregation.
We thus have a number of women’s groups. We have many mixed groups including Rabbi and only one group, Chiddush, devoted exclusively to men.
Does that mean that we are being unfair or biased or prejudiced regarding women.
You bet we are.
That’s why we have so many groups just for women and only one just for men.
Men and women are different. We respect and accept this fact and we give women the credit and respect that they deserve.
However, we do have to be respectful to the men as well, don't we?
"What do you say
to the prediction
that in fifty years
women will rule the world?"
Sir Winston Churchill
"They still will, eh?"
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Keyword: Forums