That sounds like another “Who is a Jew?” question, doesn’t it? It’s similar to some of the queries that arise from time to time on our groups.
However, it’s a legitimate issue. We do indeed have to clarify the concept of a holiday and a day, and we even have to know where the day is located. Keep reading….
Let’s try to simplify things as much as possible. We can divide Jewish holidays into two categories: those during which the Jewish and Hebrew groups are closed, and those during which they continue to function.
These two categories still leave some gray areas. On certain days, such as Purim and on certain fast days, the groups probably will not post messages, whereas on other days the distinction is much more clear.
Most days listed in this article start late in the previous afternoon. The exceptions can be discussed in the Jewish Beginnings group if necessary. Everything indicated in this article does have a reason.
Now that’s a surprising question. However, please remember that these groups have subscribers around the world. Daytime in one part of the world is nighttime elsewhere.
Our groups define day and night as they occur in the ultimate focus of the Jewish world – Israel.
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Your exercise for this article is as follows:
Is this a fair method for defining a day for anybody in the world?
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keywords: Forums, Holidays