Our Jewish Groups
Remaining On Topic

There isn't a thing
in this world
for which one cannot find
an imitation or copy.
The only exception to this
is the truth,
because there is no such thing
as an imitation of the truth
- Rabbi Mendel of Kotsk

Jewish Groups does not encourage the proliferation of copies of your message. For that reason, we do not permit cross postings. We also do not allow uploading files or links to more than one group website.

The rare exceptions are listed in the guidelines to specific groups. For example, Hebrew Translating allows cross-posting with other groups - but only for job offers and announcements.

We are very careful to maintain this guideline. After all, you would be unhappy to receive copies of the same email from various groups that you have joined.

Those who want to receive notifications about additional topics can join additional groups - of their own choice.

This guideline is not limited to Jewish Groups, It is based on accepted rules of Internet etiquette (netiquette). Furthermore, in some cases and locations, cross-postings are considered "spam" and controlled by local legislation.

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Keywords: Forums, /ourjewishgroups/7OnTopic/CrossPosting