Considerate people think of the needs of others as well as their own. We, as Jews, can begin to correct this general societal problem by creating Jewish unity, through these groups.
Our unified and cohesive groups may conflict with our individual needs at a given time, but they will improve our society.
This will then lead to unity among all Jews – which in turn will further the other needs of the Jewish nation, and of mankind as a whole.
Many people would like to help the Jewish nation, but they are frustrated or stymied by a seemingly impossible task. After all, what can I, as an individual, do to improve our entire nation? I might attend a a demonstration or sign a petition, but I’m not a politician, and I'm not a person in power. Can I really make a positive contribution?
Yes, you can.
One way might be by creating unity in these Jewish Groups.
After applying this first step to strangers in these groups, we can then continue to apply it in our own lives, shuls, schools, and businesses. Achdus will spread.
Let's go back to our original issue.
Yes, there is some inconvenience in keeping all of the groups separated and discussing individual things within each group.
However, there is a great deal to be gained by it.
As we see, all of us can do our part for Tikun Olam – making the world a better place for us as Jews.
Each of us can see Tikun Olam as our own major goal. Each one of us can make a difference.
In this way we can influence others to do things for the Klal – the general Jewish welfare.
If our Jewish groups have helped accomplish this job, then we have indeed made this a better world for all Jews – and ultimately, for all humanity.
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Keywords: Forums, Goals, Unity, Vision