Our Jewish Groups

These discussion groups are censored - and we are proud of it. We do not hide that fact. This web page announces our intentions, and they are repeated from time to time on every active group.

Granted, some people consider censorship to be an ugly word, especially when it relates to certain discussion groups. However, most of this series is not discussion groups. It is a series of information forums for Jews.

These Internet forums have a great number of guidelines - that's what this website is about. Those who belong to these groups accept or welcome these guidelines - including the censorship.

Sometimes the posting rights are removed from people who cannot accept this censorship. Others may be removed from the group.

Is this to be considered censorship? You bet it is.

Does that mean that there is no free speech on these groups?

That is correct. These groups are not based on the American constitution, institutions, laws, or rights.

On the other hand, we do defend the rights of other members of the group to express information and we will defend them against those who interfere with their rights.

Do these guidelines seem one-sided? Do we defend certain people and not others?

Yes, we do. Those who present valid information according to traditional Judaism and according to the guidelines stipulated in this website are welcomed.

How can you determine the right way for the entire world to talk, think, and act?

We can't. However, we can determine how people will express themselves on these groups.

This guideline about censorship is not a philosophical issue, but a very real way in which the groups are run and moderated. From time to time somebody tries to test these rules. Others may choose to cast doubt on the validity of the group or of its guidelines.

Does that mean that these groups do not accept disagreement or heated discussion?

No, you may certainly voice your opinion - but only within limits, and within the guidelines of this group. However, that is precisely the point.

These groups are intended for people who are prepared to accept limits. They are prepared to accept the guidelines of the groups.

They are also prepared to accept the binding and final decisions of the Rabbinical Review Board that governs these groups.

If these conditions are acceptable to you, then welcome to the groups.

If you find it difficult or impossible to accept these guidelines and conditions, then you should locate a group that is suited to your needs.

Does this policy sound tough?

Good. That means that we have accomplished our goal.

Where do you want to go now?

Find out more reasons for rejecting postings

Find out guidelines for these Jewish and Hebrew groups

Subscribe to any of these Jewish or Hebrew groups

Find out more about other Jewish and Hebrew groups

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Keyword: Forums