Your posting to one of our groups was delayed. You are surprised, and possibly perturbed. You feel that it isn't fair.
After all, you do know how email works. You send a message to somebody, and they receive it almost immediately. You may also belong to other Yahoogroups, and you know that (on a good day) the mail arrives reasonably soon. Why didn't your message go through right away?
There are several possibilities.
Speaking of your humble moderator...
Moderating this group is your moderator's primary responsibility, but it's not the best way for him to make the Big Bucks. That means (by definition) that sometimes he chooses to work on his secondary responsibilities as well. He might be...
He might also be feeling...
Let's not rule out those possibilities. Despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary, your moderator (hey, who edited out the word "humble" this time?) is human.
He might also...
Those are the most likely possibilities. Has your paranoia been acting up lately?
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Keywords: Forums, Moderation