It's a tough job market and many of us do whatever is needed in order to be able to improve our client base. Simply stated, we all need more work and we're looking to get jobs.
Some people see these groups as an easy way to be able to beg for jobs. They try to put messages on the group saying that they need a job.
Well, so does everybody else on the group. We all need jobs and we don't need to see that you need one. As a matter of fact, it makes you look rather pathetic.
Writing a message to the group that you need a job is just not the way it's done.
On the other hand, there are people on the group who do get jobs. How is that done?
There are two ways. One way is through the occasional job offering that is posted to the group. If you are on line at the time and if you see it, then you can be one of the first ones to apply for the job that is posted. Go for it and I wish you a lot of luck.
The second way which is far more effective and useful is as follows.
Set youself up on a group as a knowledgeable, helpful, and active participant.
When people see that you are a serious participant in your field, it will be only natural for them to contact you when a job occurs.
Many of the active participants realize this and many of them have indeed received any number of jobs as a result of their active participation. You can do the same.
Thus, instead of tooting your own horn about how wonderful you are, you will be a constant demonstration of your knowledge and ability in the field, and making it obvious that people will want to turn to you after looking up to you. You will not debase yourself by begging for work, but in stead you will proudly show your abilities on a constant basis. When you do get the jobs, you're going to be able to command a higher fee and you are going to go about it with your head up high as an expert instead of as one who begs for work.
This means that your posting in which you beg for a job, the rejection of your posting is ultimately to your benefit. This gives you the opportunity to go about your job search with a more efficient, positive, and respectable manner. Keep that in mind and now go about getting that job in the best, most effective, most efficient, most positive way.
Lots of luck!
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Keywords: Employment, Forums