
Some argumentative subscribers insist that they have been able to post similar messages on other groups. They may threaten to take various forms of legal action if their postings are not put through to the group.

I'll bet you didn't know how dangerous it is to be a group moderator!

Fortunately, threats are not a criteria for posting messages. As a matter of fact, those who threaten are usually removed from the group.

All of these issues take place in the background, and subscribers never know about them.

The result is a consistent, long-term, and constantly growing subscriber base for each of these groups. Jewish and Hebrew Group subscribers remain attached to their groups for years.

One reason for this allegiance is the subscriber's knowledge that material that does get posted to these groups is worth reading, and that their emailboxes won't explode with unnecessary and irrelevant junk.

Important postings sometimes lead to to a spate of responses, in which other subscribers clarify or supplement the information that has been provided. The end result is good, solid information that has been reviewed from many points of view.

The articles about these Jewish groups that appear in journals and newspapers throughout the world all point to the same facts: These groups present valid information for serious researchers. They are primary forums for sharing knowledge with a respectable cadre of informed colleagues.

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Keywords: Forums, Security