Moonie- You are my hero! Thank you for being an indispensible webpage mentor ::sniffle sniffle::: and all you people out there (assuming this site gets any traffic whatsoever -- which I doubt,) check out Moonie's fabulicious site, Tobeyonline.

Rob- You are such a generous benefactor. Thank you for all of those beautiful Andy Shillinger stills. Again, all you nonexistant people, check out Rob's OZ Episode Guide.

Internet Movie Database- I would have just about no information at all if it wasn't for this all-encompassing site.

Emcity webmaster- Thank you for letting me pirate your immortal drinking game. I also stole a few pics, which I didn't exactly ask you for. Hey, I'm linking your site so please don't be mad. 

Kate and Allie webmaster- I felt you deserved a nod since I swiped pics from your oh-so-wonderful page.

Thank you bunches, Tressa, for sending me Fred's NY theater review of "When I Was a Girl I used to Scream and Shout." Random victims of my thievery: Strangers With Candy Fan Site and Snoogycat Salutes Fred Koehler.

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