The original church was first erected in 1757 and was then enlarged in 1832 and 1868.

By 1900 however it was considered to be too small and so in 1906 it was rebuilt at a cost of £2000.
One of the original walls was retained, as was the belfry and chancel at the east end.

Bonnie Prince Charlie's army camped for the night on the site of the churchyard in April 1746 as they retreated to their final battle at Culloden.

The new church - 1994. The gate into the churchyard is off the picture to the right.

(the above graphics and information kindly emailed by Roger Keight)

"Rebuilt kirk wins top award

The new parish church at Knockando - built to replace the original fire-ravaged building - orginal built 1757 - has won a top design award. The original 233 year old building was gutted by fire in November 1990 leaving only a charred shell which was too frail and badly damaged to retain.  The disaster sparked a massive fund-raising campaign by the Speyside congregation who were determined that a new church should rise on the site of the old..   Two months ago the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Right Rev. James Weatherhead, officiated at a service to mark the dedication of the brand new £400,000 Knockando Church........"

Extract from newspaper article emailed by Lynn of New Zealand



For a map, weather forecast or information on the area, try a search at "". You can scan all of Scotland and go into close-up detail, or any other country in the world apparently. I wish I'd had a map of the area before my trip!

This will take you straight to a map of Knockando. For a more detailed map of the area click on "Map" then do a search for Knockando - you can zoom in for more specific maps.  

Please note that all maps are under copyright and only allow you one "screen dump" of each map.



Our Family in Scotland | Ancestors of AD Robertson

Inscriptions from Knockando Cemetery | Knockando Church

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