Pach's Forgotten Realms Page
Pach's Forgotten Realms Page
This page is being devoted to files for Forgotten Realms setting. If you have any files that fit this description please send me a copy.
All files are property of their respective authors.
Toril Calendar in Excel 5.0 format.
Another Calendar made by a guy calling himself Elimister.
Some erratas by Elminster.
A book on The Cult of the Dragon.
Read about the Pscionist Enclave.
Some idioms of the realms.
Revised rules for Spellfire.
A Timeline of the Realms.
Some interesting information of the gods of the Realms.
Ever wondered about The Singing Rocks?
A map of the Sword Coast.
Sembian Military order in: Word 6.0 , RTF or Plain text formats.
A most interesting Drow Cult.
A pessimistic future of the realms.
Download The Complete Realms Pantheon including demi-human, goblin, and other deities. Most of the Information is also applicable to Greyhawk campaigns.
Wondering where all the gods were during The Time of Troubles.
Some Wizrad Kits to give spice to your campaign:
The War Wizard from Cormyr.
The Freestave.
Other pages with Forgotten Realms Material
Ever wished you had more information on Suzail?.
The Fallow's Cross WWW site .
The company of The Ravenloft Weekenders.
Forgotten Realms Adventurers Groups.
An Index of the pages of the Forgotten Realms Mailing list can be found here .
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Just send the following to LISTSERV@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM "SUBSCRIBE REALMS-L [put your name or handle here, no brackets]".
Send any comments, suggestions, etc. to
Pach's Main Page.
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