Sword Beach
Sword Beach was assaulted by the Brittish 3rd Infantry and its supporting units, including some French Commandos serving with the Scottish 1st Commando Brigade.  The Commandos were to clear the way through the town of Ouistreham, and then meet the members of the Brttish 6th Airborne.  Sword Beach was the site of the of the heaviest bombardment of any of the Beaches, after this bombardment the DD tanks were launched.  In spite of the treacherous seas, most of them reached the shore.  Closely following them was the LCTs loaded with specialist armored vehicles.  Right behind them came the Infantry.  One interesting fact is that the troops landing on Sword were accompanied by bag piper Bill Millen.  At Ouistreham, the assualting troops were faced by a solid line of enemy-held villas, even a casino that the Germans had converted into a fortress.  The troops made short work out of taking out the villas one by one then the casino.  Then they set forth towards the Bridge at Orne, they fought there way through light opposition by eventually they became entangled in the battle between the brittish 6th and the 21st Panzer Division.
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