The Aftermath

A "stick" of 101st Division paratroopers make a final check before lift off.

Wrecked 30-man Horsa glider,  8 men died in crash

By nightfall sizeable beach heads had been secured on all five landing areas, and the final campaign to the defeat the German army was underway.  Brittish forces were to take Caen on D-Day, but due to cautiousness, and because of traffic on the beach, Caen was not taken until July 9th.  Americans faced serious resistance in the Contentin, but finally took the crucial port of Cherbourg on June 27th.

Men taking the beaches on D-Day,  notice men taking cover behind obstacles and behind tankdozer

Other D-Day Sites

National D-Day Memorial Foundation

Operation Overlord

82nd and 101 Airborne Divisions on D-Day

D-Day analyzed

You need Java to see this applet.

Convoy, protected by barrage balloons and fighter escorts, heading toward the beaches.



The Day


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pictures from this page are courtesy of The Longest Day by Cornelius Ryan

Most of the information on this webpage is courtesy of The Longest Day,by Cornelius Ryan.  I have read many books on D-Day and this book is by far the best i have ever read.  If you are really interested in D-Day this book is a must!  It can be purchased through the Barnes&Noble search on the Home Page.

Patrick McGinnis 2/3/00