Erwin Rommel

Rommel (1891-1944) was one of the most brilliant general in WWII.  He commanded the Afrika Korps, and his clever tactics earned him the nickname of The Desert Fox. 
    He joined the 124th Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet in 1910.  After just 2 years he was commisioned to the rank of 2d lieutenant.  He served on the Italian and Rommanian fronts and

in France, during WWI.  Following the war he was an instructor at the Dresden Infantry School and the Potsdam War Academy.  He wrote a textbook on tactics in 1937.  In 1938 he was placed in command of the battalion responsible for Hitler's safety during the march into the Sudetenland.  On the eve of WWII he was promoted to major general, and was once again in charge of Hitlers safety during the invasion of Poland. 
     In 1941 he was given command of the German troops in Libya, a year later he was givent the position of of field marshal, the yougest in the German Army.  After much success he returned to Germany because of ill health.  He was then placed in command of Germans western front.  While there he consructed the great Atlantik Wall. 
      On July 17, 1944 Rommel was severly wounded by fire from Allied aircraft, and returned to his home in Germany to convalesce.  He was eventually removed of his position due to his repeated statements to Hitler, saying how it was futile to continue the war effort.
He was eventually accused of being part ot the effort to kill Hitler, and was given the choice of poision or trial.  He chose poison, this save Hitler much embarassment.

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Patrick McGinnis