Thank you so much for this award .. The people at Wizards, along with the moderators,
are about the BEST there is.  You all make me feel very special. ~Sherrie

PSP Friends was the very first group that I ever joined, didn't know the selection tool
from the draw tool at that time.  You all just made my year with this award. Thank you so much. ~Sherrie

This PSP7 award means an awful lot to me.  It was because of PSP7 that I started
Writting tutorials.  Before that I could barely draw a line in PSP:)  Thank you very much for this
award, I will cherish it always.  ~Sherrie

This award is from Donna at FlyByNightGraphics.  It
is because she used one of my tutorials for the month of February.

Donna thank you so much, your memebers have done a wonderful
job with everything they do.  You can not even imagine the pride that
I feel when viewing their beautiful work and seeing what they do with
tutorials from around the world.  ~Sherrie

This award is from Donna from FlyByNightGraphics.  It's
for an entry into the January 2001 Challenge.  Wood Shelf

    Thank you for the wonderful quilting tutorial...this is a special graphic made just for you to show my you can see, your tutorial works quite well with many images....not just quilting sqaures....I hope that 2001 brings you and your family health and happiness...always... 
                                                                     Your friend, Ronni

Ronni, I can't even express in words what this Gift did for me.  You are a very special Lady!!  ~Sherrie


  ...Thank you for writing these tutorials so that individuals and groups can
learn as much as possible about PSP ...

Trudy, thank you and thank you your members so much for this!! ~Sherrie

You want to talk about a total surprise.
This was waiting for me in my afternoon mail on January 5th 2001

FlyByNightGraphics would like to thank you for providing such
wonderful tutorials for our use. We are enclosing this "Award" as a small thank you for all you do.

Sincerely yours, FlyByNight

and all the members of Fly By Night Graphics
The Featured Tutorials were The Cameo & ID Bracelet


This site is Copyrighted © 2000, 2001 by Sherrie, all rights reserved
No Items may be used or taken (unless otherwise stated) without the express
Written consent of Sherrie.  The awards on this page our copyrighted by the Artists
that made them.