I get several letters a day asking what can be and can't be done with my tutorials or items from my sites.  SO I thought I would try and answer everyone's questions here.  You will find my terms for each area of my site.  I don't want people to look at this site and say "MAN, she just is not reasonable" I think these "Terms of Use" are very reasonable and the terms can be followed with normal common sense.

  !!  TUTORIALS  !!

Group managers, owners, mommas, moderators .. Please if you are going to use one of my tutorials let me know, It's not mandatory, I would just like to know:).  You do not have to ask permission, because the reason they are here is for your use, for you groups to learn new tools, or have new ideas.   I would just like to know what groups are doing them that is all.  You do not have to let me know for each tutorial either .. just one simple letter letting me know that you are going to use some of my tutorials on your group and please let me know what group it is.  OK fine, it's the nosey part of me and I LOVE seeing what people make with the tutorials:) 

It IS required that if you do a tutorial that you provide a link to the tutorial only.  You MAY NOT take the tutorial and upload it anywhere, send it through the mail or pass it from person to person.  The ONLY exceptable way to use the tutorials on this site is with a text or graphic link.  You MAY make one the images from the tutorial and use that image for a link to the tutorial;)  There, that wasn't to hard:)

PSP Surfers & members of groups or PSP classes looking for tutorials .. you may work any tutorial that you find at this site, or that your "moderator" may send a link to for.  After bringing up the tutorial at THIS site, you may save it to your hard drive (file, save as), You may print it out and keep in that ever expanding folder you have:)  If you do either of these they are for YOUR use only.  If you think a friend, a member of a group, someone at your local library .. would like to do a tutorial then please only give them the link (it can be to the tutorial only) so that they can come to the site to see the tutorial. 

You MAY NOT offer anything you make with this tutorial for a fee of any type.  You may not put 30 different colored shelves on a CD and offer to sell them.  When I feel the time has come to do this then I will do it as it is I that holds the copyright to all selections, tubes etc. that I have made for any one tutorial.  You can not use my selections and such and expect to hold the copyright to the materials that were used to make the finished product.  You may not use my selections and such to make a finished product for sale.

You also may not use any part of any tutorial (selections, tubes and such ) and offer them in any way shape or form.  This includes but not exclusive to, offering them for tubes, presets, masks ... you may not offer them for sale or for free in any type of media, You DO NOT hold the copyright to them, I do.  I know this sounds confusing, but it's really not if you think about it.  If you see a tube that you would like to include in a tutorial that you way be writing, them please contact me ... I am not a mean person and more likely than not I will give you permission to use it.  To cover yourself you should always retain the letter which gives permission or denies persmision.

I do not require that you put a link on your pages as to how you learned how to make a graphic set that you may use on your site, like I did with all the pages that have the plaid backgrounds, but it would be a nice:)  "hint, hint"  LOL 


If you find that a tutorial has ANY type of download then you may use them as you wish for YOUR personal use only.  They MAY NOT be offered for download, offered on CD, disk, or ANY type of media, whether it be for free or for money of any type of compensation. 

NOW .. using the flower tube as an example, If you use the tube (that took me hours to cut out from real wallpaper by the way) to make tags with flowers on them, then you MAY offer your tags in a free download,  You just CAN NOT offer the tube itself .. it is for you to use ONLY!!  I did not charge you to use the tube (or whatever) and it is WRONG and against my Terms of Use for you to charge a fee for something with it on it.  If someone asks you where you got the flowers, please direct them here.  If you have been to Mariah's site then you can see that it is very important to me .. I really want it seen by as many people as possible:)

!!  CARDS  !!

On the cards page you will find several cards that I have made.  You may take ANY of them or ALL of them and save them to your hard drive.  You may NOT put them up on any type of media and offer them for sale or for free.  Seems that would be common sense, but people ask anyway:)  You CAN put your name on them, like "Hi Jane, love the site,  Roberta"  but you MAY NOT put your name on them like you made them.  They are for you to use but not for to claim as your own:)

!!  TAGS  !!

On the tags page you will find a LOT of different tag sets.  You may download one or ALL of them, use them, send them in letters, put your name on the blank tag, Use the blank tag to write something special.  What ever you want to use them for .. you MAY NOT claim them as yours, or offer them for free or for money's in any type of media. 


This one is easy, none of the backgrounds or graphics on my sites are available for download, they are ALL copyrighted by me.  IF you want to know how to make something please email me and and ask .. I would be more than happy to tell you how to do it or point you in the right direction:)

!! MISC. !!

You may use a text link to link to any one tutorial, or to the main tutorial page, or to the main page .. what ever you would like to do:)

If you work one of the tutorials I would love to receive a little note telling me or letting me know which group may be using them, it IS NOT mandatory, I would just like to know that's all:)

You MAY NOT take them down from this site and REPOST them or put them up whole or in part on your site or any other site, you can only offer a link to them.  You also MAY NOT offer them for free or for sale in ANY type of form, CD, site, disks, nothing! You may only link to them or this page.

Any items, pictures, or graphics that you make from these tutorials are YOURS and yours to do with as you wish. I don't want to come off as a mean person (said that nice for the kids that may see this) but I write these tutorials myself with no other help and they are here for your enjoyment and learning purposes .. AND to hopefully get you to visit Mariah's site. Please don't steal them for your own ego.

PLEASE do not think that I don't want you to have fun working these tutorials, I DO .. I also don't want you be worried that I "will come after you"  I WON'T as long as you do NOT take any of these tutorials and upload them in anyway to ANY server or other spot on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter) where others can see it.  YOU MAY print out each and everyone of them for your own use, to do over and over or to refer back to. 


This site is Copyright © 2001 by Sherrie all rights reserved
it may not be copied or reposted in any way without express written permission of Sherrie.