<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/paintingmoore/candle_in_the_wind.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

2002 Race for the Cure is set for April 13, 2002, in San Antonio
Susan G. Komen San Antonio Race for the Cure for Breast Cancer
San Antonio,Texas
Email me if you are interested in being participating or volunteering.
Last year I walked the 5K walk in memory of Mother and my Aunt Chalma, both lost their fight with breast cancer.  Unfortunately this year, I will be out of town, but I still am going to try and raise $500.  If you would like to help, email me, any amount will help the cause.

Brownie Fitch Martin
Marie Jackson
Mary Wethington
Nancy Dillon
Donna Rogers
Ann Marie McAlonan
Katie Rice
Vernice Eakin
Ninette Davis
Rue McClanahan
Leslie Mouton
Sandra Earnest
Jene Maniss
Barbara Fitch Moore
Died September 11, 1995
at the age of 57 from breast cancer.  She was the best mother, wife, friend to have.
Chalma Moore
Died on November 21, 1996 from breast cancer.  She was a great aunt.  She is dearly missed.
Feel free to submit names of your loved ones and tributes to them or if they were a survivor I will list their names.  You may also add anything you like with it.

Let me hear from you.
To email me click here
In Memory:

Barbara Fitch Moore
Chalma Moore
Beth Kastner
Last year I collected $280.00 in donations.  Thanks to:

Bill & Linda Moore
Elizabeth & Gary Fagan
Robert Moore
John & Nell Moore
Suzanne Maniss
The Alexander Family
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